Chapter Eleven

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Hello sugars! Things are getting more and more interesting aren't they?! Oh I hope y'all are enjoying this as much as I am enjoying writing it for y'all! <3

We stood in front of my house, the house I grew up in. Fear and anxiousness swimming through my veins making it harder and harder to walk up to the house.

"You ready?" Chelsea's mom Regina gently patted my shoulder in a calming manner.

"As ready as I ever will be." I answered unable to really say much else because honestly even though I knew this was best, I know this was going to crush my mom and I didn't want to hurt her.

I opened the front door and led Regina and Micheal inside and Chelsea followed behind us.

"Erika is that you?" My moms sweet voice filled the living room and I suddenly felt the need to back out. I was panicking big time.

"I'm sorry I can't do this." I panicked.

"Yes you can it's alright." Micheal reassured me, offering me a soft smile which did nothing to calm me at all.

"Yes mom it's me." I said loudly and her footsteps signaled she was coming towards us. Once she came into the living-room she froze in her tracks. Her mouth opened and closed as she tried to find the words to say.

"What happened?!" She gasped rushing over to me and started to inspect me over.

"M-m-mom I neeeed t-to talk to you." I stuttered and started to breathe heavy.

"Okay come sit. Let me go get Steve." She worriedly ushered me to the couch.

"Actually don't get Steve. That's actually why I want to talk to you." I stopped her by grabbing her wrist and she turned and looked at me questioningly.

"What do you mean?" She asked as she tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"I don't know how to tell you this mom so I'm just going to come right out with it. Remember two years ago when I tried to tell you Steve was hurting me?" I asked her curiously.

"Well yeah but that's just because you didn't want a new father figure in your life. What's this about?" My mom asked trying to put the piece together but was struggling.

"Mom, Steve did this to me." I mumbled slowly looking away from her questioning face.

"What?" She asked after a few moments of silence.

I took the time to explain as much as I could about the last two years. I stood up and showed her my back where the permanent burn scars were. I told her about the first time Steve burnt me all the way until after last nights events. My mom stood there frozen in place, in shock.

"Honey what's taking you so-" Steve's voice filled the living room as he joined us. We all turned our attention towards him. My mom snapped, anger pouring out of her like I had never seen before.

"You did this this to my baby?" She yelled with tears pooling in her eyes while gesturing towards me with her hands shaking violently.

"No I didn't, come on honey you know me better than that." Steve panicked his voice full of fear.

"She tried to tell me years ago but I didn't believe her! The past two years you've been hurting my baby!" My mother broke down sobbing and I tried to comfort her but she stepped away from me.

"Lacey please let me explain-" Steve started to try to defend himself.

"I don't want to hear it!" She boomed as she shook her head aggressively refusing to let him make any excuses.

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