Chapter Eight

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Hello my darlings! Well? What do y'all think so far? I'm so happy and excited for where this book is going! Here's an update! Enjoy! <3

I pulled into the driveway at the end of the day nervous and scared out of my mind. Steve's car was already in the driveway but thankfully so was my moms. I let out a breath of relief and got out of the car and made my way up the driveway and into the house.

"Well if it isn't our scene causing daughter." Steve snarked sarcastically, my mom remained quiet, her face full of disappointment.

"Look I'm sorry. I really am just please let me explain-" I begged my voice shaking with fear. Steve interrupted me mid sentence by slapping me across the face, sucking the air from my lungs. I tasted the metallic taste of blood as it filled my mouth.

"Steve! Don't hit her! We agreed to sit down as a family and discuss this!" My moms eyes were wide as saucers with shock, this was something new for both of us. He had never hit me in front of her and she had never seen this side of him before.

"You're too lenient with her Lacie! Don't you see that?" Steve's voice echoed off all the walls in the living room making me jump slightly.

"She has never been in trouble before, at least give her a chance to explain what happened. Don't you ever put your hands on my daughter again do you understand me?" My mom was shaking with rage as she bowed up to him. Anger pooling in his eyes but he immediately softened up and began apologizing to me, playing the victim, how typical.

"Oh Erika I'm so sorry. Please forgive me! I was just upset with you for acting out in class today. You know I would never intentionally hurt you don't you?" He begged apologetically which was all just an act so my mom wouldn't know the truth, he wasn't sorry, not even a little bit.

"I'm sorry that you guys got called today. There's no excuse for it and it won't happen again." Tears pooled in my eyes threatening to fall but I tried my hardest to fight them back.

"You're a good kid Erika don't beat yourself up about it. We were young once too, we know it's hard and sometimes you're going to act up. I shouldn't have hit you though I do apologize for that." Steve pulled me into a tight hug and my mom smiled softly watching from a distance meanwhile I was stiffer than a board.

"That could have been much worse, don't let it happen again or it will be." Steve whispered in my ear so only I could hear and chills went down my spine and not in a good way. I nodded slowly in understanding.

"Dinner is ready you two. Let's go enjoy a nice meal as a family." My mom smiled warmly as if nothing just happened and ushered us to the kitchen table where she made our plates and served them to us.

"Honey don't forget I fly out tomorrow we have last minute preparations for that sale but I will only be gone overnight. I told my boss that this would be the last out of town business trip for me. I can't stand leaving you two. So after this last trip I will be working at our local headquarters full time." My mom said matter of factly as she took a sip of her wine.

"Does that mean you won't be leaving anymore? You get to stay home with us every day?" I asked, excitement and hope swimming in my voice knowing that things only get better from here.

"That's right. We will get to be together as a family." She smiled a loving smile to both me and Steve, who looked at my mom lovingly.

"That's great darling, I know we have missed you so much it will be good to have you back full time here. Don't forget that tomorrow night my boss and his son are coming over for a business meeting. I guess you won't be here for that but that's okay." He smiled sadly at my mom who looked at him with regret.

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