Chapter Twenty Nine

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Hello my beautiful souls! I'm so sorry this story keeps taking different turns I'm getting writers block big time and am trying to barricade through just care with me! Love yall!

"Let me jump in the shower and wash off all this saw dust and dirt and then we can order take out." Dakota excused himself to the shower in his apartment upstairs at The Lanes. The apartment was a decent size perfect for one or two people. It had the essential furniture like a couch, tv, bed, washer and dryer, kitchen that sort of stuff, just needed some decorative touches and a splash of paint. I watched as Dakota walked into the bathroom while taking off his shirt, his muscles flexing while he lifted his shirt up and then shut the door mostly but left it open just enough that I could kind of see inside.

I watched as he flicked on the water and waited for it to heat up and then he unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down his thighs, I knew my face was red because it felt like it was on fire. Sure it's all something I've seen before, once but I don't think I'd ever get used to seeing him naked. His body was perfect in every single way like he was hand sculpted by God and boy did he take his time with this one. He turned on his heal and stepped into the shower and closed the curtain blocking my view of him naked which made me pout in disapproval.

I turned on the tv and sat on the couch trying not to look so awkward like I wasn't just staring at him like some horny creep but could you blame me?! This guy is sexy as hell! I flipped through the channels while I waited for him for what felt like forever.

I heard the water turn off so I hurried and settled for some random movie on HBO and sat the remote down and tried my hardest to make it seem like I was somewhat into the movie and in walks Dakota, wet, naked with his lower body wrapped in a towel. Steam escaped from all around him as he opened the bathroom door. He walked towards me and I noticed little drops of water rolling down his chest to his abs and then underneath the towel, oh how badly I wanted to be those water droplets. My eyes were like magnets glued to his bare chest unable to move, he caught me practically drooling over here because he fucking smirked at me.

"See something you like Barbie?" He cocked his eyebrow knowing damn good and well that I did.

"Ehh I've seen better." I turned my nose up and shrugged and his face fell which almost made me laugh. He walked closer to me and crouched down in front of me putting his hands on the back of the couch to support his weight. He leaned in and brushed his lips against my ear making me shudder in delight.

"You sure about that Barbie?" His minty breath fanned my face. My breath hitched in my throat from the closeness between us and my heart rate skyrocketed.

"Mmaybeee." I stuttered trying not to make it obvious that I wanted nothing more than to grab that towel and rip it off of him.

"We will just to see about that." His voice was husky and I pouted when he pushed off the couch and walked towards his bedroom. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down. I sleep with the guy one time and now my brain goes zero to one hundred real quick whenever I'm this close to him.

He came back a minute later with black low riding sweat pants on and a white T-shirt in hand.

"Chinese food okay with you?" He asked as he grabbed his phone off the counter and a takeout menu.

"Yeah that's perfect." I nodded and he walked across the living room and joined me on the couch and handed me the menu, I was too distracted to look at the damn menu because I was too busy staring at him out of the corner of my eye so I quickly focused my eyes on the food menu.

"You can get whatever you like." I searched the menu even though I knew exactly what I wanted other than him.

"I'll take the sesame chicken and chow mein with a dr. pepper please. I have money in my purse." I reached for my purse to grab my wallet but Dakota leaned forward and grabbed my hand with disapproval written all over his face.

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