Chapter Five

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Helllo my darlings! I hope you are all enjoying this story so far :) stay tuned the fun is just getting started! <3

Sitting down at our assigned seats I was just inches away from the new guy who I learned his name was Dakota. His cologne filled the air all around us, his masculine scent was woodsy yet intoxicating at the same time.

He was sitting across from Christian, who was apparently his best friend based on the deep disgusting conversations they were having.

"Bro I'm telling you the way she her pussy grabbed my dick was insane which you wouldn't be able to tell just by looking at her man but she can fuck!" Christian bragged on and on and I couldn't help but scowl in disgust.

"Damn." Dakota spoke from beside me clearly uninterested in what his friend was saying, his sultry voice which I hadn't heard since this morning. It was deep but velvety smooth.

"You are disgusting Pierce." Jessica, his partner snapped equally as disgusted as I was but at least she is ballsy enough to call him out on it. She is naturally beautiful standing no taller than five foot nothing. Her straight jet black hair collarbone length and her eyes a mesmerizing green and her skin perfectly bronze from the sun.

"Oh baby come on you know you want me! All you have to do is ask." Christian winked seductively inching closer to her by the second. Christian has tan skin and caramel brown hair with eyes to match. He had stubble on his face from not shaving in a few days, sure he's hot but his mouth ruined it for him completely.

"Maybe in your dreams Pierce, keep your hands to your self." Jessica snapped aggressively while she scowled at him in horror before slapping his hand before he could grab her.

"Sexy-" Christian started to speak but Dakotas voice distracted me from the rest of his sentence.

"Wait a minute are you the dumbass that almost hit me this morning?" Dakota turned in his chair to face me and I cringed at his realization. I had hoped he wouldn't notice...

"Umm I wouldn't say dumbass but yeah I guess that was me." I glanced up at him briefly, I could feel his intense grey eyes burning a hole in my side making me squirm in my seat.

"I knew I recognized you. You can't drive for shit." I felt him turn back towards the front, away from me. I was just relieved to have his fiery eyes off of me.

"You stole my spot you jackass so we are even!" I snapped in retaliation. I turned in my chair to get a good look at him. A brief amused smile spread across his face before he quickly dismissed it.

"You almost hit my damn car, we are nowhere near even." He scoffed in disbelief and turned his attention back to me while he searched my face for God only knows what. His eyes trailing over my face intimidated me making me want to look away from him but I didn't. I couldn't.

"Look we have to be partners all year can you at least not be an ass the whole time?" I asked hoping that we could at least get along somewhat or else this year would no doubt drag on and that's the last thing I needed was more shit on my plate.

"No promises." He shrugged with a smirk on his face that I so badly wanted to smack off and I'm usually not a violent person.

Thankfully Mrs. Wortham silenced the room and started to go over the classroom rules like we are kindergarten all over again. I welcomed it because we didn't have to engage in anymore awkward conversation and for that I was beyond thankful.

The bell rang signaling class was over and Dakota jumped up out of his chair and was out the door in five seconds flat, Christian trailing right behind him like a lost puppy.

"You are so lucky you got Dakota as your partner! I am so jealous." Chelsea pouted while we walked towards the cafeteria for lunch. She kept going on and on about how I was lucky to be his partner and blah blah blah but if I could trade partners I would in a heartbeat.

"That guy is an ass." I mumbled dreadfully remembering how he spoke to me and called me an dumbass.

"Yeah but he is so yummy! Admit it." She pointed her finger at me with a shit eating grin, knowing that she was right. Hell anyone with eyes can tell that the guy is attractive. It's not like I'm blind or anything.

"Okay fine I'll at least give you that, he is attractive but that doesn't change the fact that he is an asshole. You know I almost wrecked into his car this morning?" I know good and well she didn't know because it slipped my mind to tell her.

"How in the hell did you manage that?" She gasped with her eyes wider than saucers, she froze in her tracks and turned towards me grabbing my arm making me stop as well.

"Well I was driving and trying to eat my toast and dig for my phone all at the same time. I took my eyes off the road for two seconds and then he started blaring his horn and called me a dumbass." I told her filling her in on this mornings activities, she couldn't hide the laughter even if she wanted to.

"You really are a bad driver though." She told me seriously and I stuck my tongue out at her playfully even though she had a point.

"This is true. Oh and he stole my damn parking spot, I had to park in the back! That jackass had the audacity to smirk at me." I finished explaining and Chelsea was in full on hysterics by this point making me roll my eyes.

"Oh you poor thing."

We got our food and sat down and started to eat. I scanned the cafeteria aimlessly and after a few seconds I locked eyes with Dakota for a few seconds before he quickly looked away and started talking to his friends.


Our eyes locked. Her green eyes with gold specks were so captivating that you couldn't help but stare at least a little bit. Her red tinted hair cascades down both sides of her face, she was hot no doubt but differently from the chicks I usually go for. I'm used to chicks throwing themselves at me and this chick doesn't seem to be fazed by me. I felt my ego take a hit by that but I chose to ignore it.

"Yo what's the deal with that chick over there?" I asked as I gestured her way with my fork making all my friends look her way.

"Who the blonde?" Christian asked curiously and I shook my head no and moved my fork a little more to the right.

"No the red head. What's her deal?" I corrected him and he nodded understanding which girl I was talking about. The blonde is attractive sure but not necessarily my type.

"Oh that's Erika Mayfair. Don't get any ideas man sure she's totally hot but she doesn't date. She never has." Christian warned while he shoved bite after bite of food into his mouth until it was full barely chewing in between like a wild animal.

"What is she a lesbian or something?" I wondered out loud as I took a sip of my coke. I don't have any issues with lesbians but for this girl to never have dated before something is up. I just wanted to know what.

"No I don't get that vibe. She's just a goody good. All about school and her grades and all that stupid shit. Seriously don't get any ideas dude you'd just be wasting your time." He replied with a shoulder shrug but his tone was warning.

"Hmmm." I mumbled and let the subject go. I don't know why I was so interested in this girl anyways.

"Is your dad still being a dick?" My friend Mario spoke up thankfully changing the subject but not happy with the subject it was changed to.

"Always man but I don't really want to talk about that shit. You guys coming to The Lanes tonight?" I asked the table trying to change the subject to a lighter topic while I finished my lunch and pushed my tray away from me resting my elbows on the table.

"Yeah man I'm there!" Christian agreed, whooping with excitement, always down for whatever which is the main reason we've been friends forever.

"Can't bro my mom is already riding my ass since my dad works night now I gotta be there to help with my little brothers." Joseph grunted in disappointment like a toddler who's mom told him he couldn't get a toy at the grocery store.

"Count me in!" The rest of the guys agreed and I honestly couldn't wait, now if the day would just hurry up and pass by that'd be great.

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