Chapter 17: Back in Black

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Damian's POV

I opened my eyes. Where was I? Heaven? Hell? There was a bunch of smoke everywhere. Fire. A weight was underneath me. I couldn't tell what it was. I didn't have my eyes open that wide. The smoke was burning and it messing with all of my senses.

The last thing I really remember is the boom after the bomb went off. Wait bomb... bombs usually end up with smoke afterwards. Does this mean...?

I opened my eyes wider as coughs started to escape my throat. I was coughing so much tears appeared in my eyes. I think I could hear voices but to be honest, at this point I didn't know.


I jumped as my hearing suddenly started to work. I realized I was being carried in someone's arms. I didn't know who's at the moment but from what I could tell based off the voice, they were really upset about something.

I looked around and I aimed my eyes at the ground and found a bunch of soot and ash. That must mean that the bomb really did go off. This must be the rubble. Then who...

I lifted my head to find the most unexpected person. They had tears in their eyes with the familiar scowl on their face.


When I spoke, it was really raspy and really beat up but that was probably because I just came out of a bombed building. We were running now. I could tell.

We arrived at the Batmobile and started driving far away from the remains. I didn't want to look back. I turned to father.

"Father.... how...?"

He was... crying. Before I could do anything else, I passed out. I did have one thing on my mind though, it is going to be great to be back.

Bruce's POV

I'm so glad to have my son back. I just have to say, thank god I have Jason as a son and that's saying something because it's Jason we are talking about.


After I had woken up, I was on the floor surrounded by glass and alcohol stains. Alfred is going to have a fun time cleaning that up. Wait what did happen? All I remember is the face I saw in the bottle before I was hit in the head with another bottle. But who...

I looked around to find any sort of reference to who it might be when my eyes widened at the sight in front of me. Jason was crumpled on the ground with some blood around him and glass shattered as a light breeze flew in from the broken window.

I felt a pain in my chest as I saw a few shards of glass sticking out from it. I pulled a few out that were small enough to the point I wouldn't bleed out. I slowly walked toward Jason. He didn't seem too hurt so I tried to shake him awake. His pulse wasn't weak but it wasn't too strong either. I noticed how quiet the mansion was. Where was everyone else?

"Master Bruce?"

Alfred! I turned toward him. I was glad to see him. I had asked him to inform me of what happened. He told me what he knew about Damian and Joker. I got angry. Alfred said he took care of Tim and Dick and while I was looking out for Damian and going to find him, he would take care of Jason as well. I was proud to have someone like Alfred around. I was on my way back down to the Bat Cave.

Why did I start doing what I did? I shouldn't have done what I did do. The alcohol and what I said to Damian. I really need to apologize to my son. My blood son.

I noticed all the damage in the living room and all throughout the manor. More money is going to be put into this but honestly, that's the last thing I could care about right now. I need to take care of my sons and find him before it's too late. Damian has already been through so much it was only a certain amount of time before Joker decided to kill him.

I was in the Bat Cave before I knew it and I immediately took my black suit and cowl off the stand and put that on. I had put a tracker in Damian before just in case anything happened to him again. I did this to all of my sons. They all have been kidnapped at least a once but this is the worst experience out of all of them. And to the youngest one.

I was shocked to find out that he was in the same location as the one where Jason died. Joker must have rebuilt it that can only mean... oh god I have to get there fast and that means I have to take super bike. (Anyone get that reference? ) I built it just in case that incident happened because you can never go wrong with speed.

I took it to the place and I was there in minutes when I left. I opened the door to the place finding the bomb at 1 second and Damian with his eyes closed looking calm as can be almost as if he were to give up. I ran to him and made it in time to protect him with the cape that was also built for instances.

I started to cry as I realized that I had my son back and alive. I will never make this same mistake. I'm so sorry Damian. Jason. Dick. Tim. I'm a disappointment. I'll make it up to you.

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