Chapter 10: A World Unknown

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Dicks POV


"Bruce! Take Damian I'll go after Jason!"

Bruce takes the light Damian from my arms and Damian's face scrunches up as if I have caused him pain. I sighed and started running toward the last spot I saw Jason which was back inside the warehouse.

He went through a lot when he was captured. Hell he died! It wasn't easy but he got through it. He still had his PTSD even though he doesn't really like to show it but it's usually very minor depending on the situation.

Before I realized I was near the hole and almost having a panic attack after I see a pool of blood at the bottom of the hole with a blood trail leading toward one of the dark corners present in the room.

Oh and look at that.... now I'm in panic attack mode. I jump down the whole trying my damndest not to land in the pile of blood.

I felt the vile feeling in my stomach just begging me to empty the content of it but I wouldn't give in. I had to stay strong for everyone.

I gulped down all the spit that devolved in my mouth and walked towards the corner. I could see what looked like a huddled up figure in the corner.

I slowly start to build up the courage to speak.


I let out a shallow breath following my sentence and I watched the figure close into itself even more.

"Get... away..."

The figure was taking shallow breaths and I knew that I was Jason as the figure threw me a glance.

Defiantly Jason.

"Jason... it's Dick we need to get you out of here...."

Jason was shaking his head vigorously and I knew that his PTSD has kicked in at that point. We didn't have time to deal with this because I knew Damian was already slowly dying.

I went on the intercom...

"Bruce, I need you to take Damian back to the cave. I'll get Jason back to the cave through my motorcycle. Right now you need to help Damian."


I shut the intercoms down before he said anything and I looked back at Jason. I went closer to him, kneeled down to his eye level and  spoke and softly as I could.

"Come on Jay Jay, I need you to work through this, we need you. Damian need you."

His head jerked up at the word 'Damian' and I knew he felt sympathetic about it. I saw a light switch near him and flicked it. I turned the light on and....

I couldn't believe my eyes. The room was covered in blood and so was Jason. He had fear written on his face. I felt sorry for him and it's only worse that he was sitting in the one place that he....

I looked at Jason and saw that he had passed out due to shock and fear. I picked him up and he seemed lighter than usual. I'll have to ask him about it later.

I jumped back up through the hole we came through and sat Jason on the back of my motorcycle making sure he wouldn't fall off when I was driving. I fear for the safety of my brothers.... all three of them.

Damian has been abused mentally and physically.

Tim was in shock with what Joker had done and having slight PTSD.

And Jason.... his PTSD kicked in and Joker approached him once more.

I didn't know what to do... I just got to stay strong for my brothers.

Damian's POV

Where am I?

It's dark.....

There is a strange noise.....


I didn't hear anything. It's like my voice was echoing off the walls. It was honestly pretty scary.

"Hello!? Todd?! Grayson!? Timmy!?"

I started hyperventilating. I need to call down. Then I saw a figure in the distance.

It couldn't have been Timmy.... this person was taller.... muscular....maybe...


The figure turned around.

"Dami... is that really you?"

"I don't understand how are you here?"

"We reacued you from Joker Dami.... and then..."

He had the look of fear on his face and I feel I didn't need to ask what happened. I had an idea.

"I'm sorry Todd.... it's all my fault..."

I felt something wet on my face... what is this? I wiped it away... tears?

Jason walked toward me and hugged me. I didn't know what to say. I hugged him back. I then realized...

"Hey Jay..."

"What is it Dami...?"

"Where are we?"

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