"Thank you doctor, I will be staying with her for tonight, as soon as I'm allowed to take her home tomorrow please let me know, thank you again."

Said my mother as her eyes grew puffy and red again as if she was about to start crying. The doctor looked back a few times as he walked out but when he was gone my mother shut the door and ordered me to sleep and assuring me that she would wake me up as soon as she got up the next morning. I let calming sentences play repeatedly in my mind to help me fall asleep faster.

I woke up the next day to see my mother gazing at me with a worried look on her face, before I got a chance to ask what was wrong the doctor opened the door and pulled her outside to talk. It was a very brief talk so I knew that nothing was wrong, when she came back in she helped me out of the bed whispering to herself something about scientists and idiots both in the same sentence. I went to get changed in the bathroom and fixed my hair up a bit while I was in there since I looked like crap. I came out of the room to see my mom in the chair with her head in her hands and her face hidden.

"What's wrong? Am I still okay to leave the hospital? Did something bad happen at home in the time we've been gone?"

I asked quickly, she just looked up at me and said calmly,

"Nothing's wrong, the doctor just suggested that I should let scientist explore how you healed so fast so that they could make something for everyone to be able to use to heal just as fast."

"No scientists obviously, let's just get out of here and ignore the doctor on our way out to avoid his selfishness, you don't need to be upset over what he said, I know that they would use me for a lot more than that but we don't have to worry about that because it won't happen."

I say as I help her out of the chair and start walking out of the room with her by my side guiding my through the hospital to the front doors so we could leave and go home. I knew my mom didn't want to straight up say what the doctor was implying since we all know that scientists would go overboard with their "exploring".

Thankfully we got out of the hospital without anyone trying to talk to us, even the car ride back home was silent as I watched out the passenger seat window at all the huge fields we past along with many houses that were way too big to just be a house even though they were. Once we got home I said hi to dad and Josh and went straight to bed knowing that mom would explain everything so that I could rest.

I woke up from hearing birds chirping and a blinding light entering my window, I had slept all of yesterday away. I felt very energized but my stomach didn't seem to agree as it let out a low grumble telling me that I was hungry so I decided to go and get some breakfast. I got a bowl of fruit loops and was pouring the milk in as Josh walked into the kitchen saying,

"Well hello sleepyhead, how was your two day nap?"

While hysterically laughing, had I really slept for two days? No wonder I was so hungry and energized.

"It was nice, I enjoyed my nap a lot more than I enjoyed it a few days ago when I was in constant pain."

"Lucky Elena, gets hurt, heals fast, and gets to sleep for basically four days straight, only you could get away with something like that without anything bad happening."

I laughed a little attempting to stop the milk from dripping out of my mouth since he said that just as I took a bite of my cereal. He ended up getting the same thing as me then yelled to mom saying I was awake as he disappeared down the long hall directing to the bedrooms.

"Morning sweetie, how are you feeling?"

I jump in surprise and look up to see a very shitty looking version of my mother staring back at me awaiting my answer.

VampixeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz