7. Elena

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As I stared down at my lifeless looking body I prayed to god that I wasn't dead. What were my parents going to do? Will my family break apart? I've heard the loss of a child can cause divorces. What if that happened? If that happened what would Josh do? While I was freaking out I didn't stop long enough to find out what all the doctors were doing hovering around me. Wait, what? Doctors? What the hell did I miss? It took me a few minutes before I processed the fact that I was at a hospital and my body, since I'm apparently not in it, was in surgery. I hovered around to see what exactly I was seeing, there was an oxygen bag that had a tube leaving it and entering my mouth, a few tubes going into needles that were poked into my arms, someone sitting by my head looking at a monitor, several doctors being nosy and looking inside of my cut open body, but no one was trying to resuscitate me. I went in to get a closer look at the tubes that were pumping some odd liquid into me, as I read the bag it came from I seen the words "General Anesthetic" and I instantly calmed down. I looked over at the heart monitor which should have been the first thing I did but silly me didn't even think of that to see a patterned line shoot up every few seconds making me more confused than ever, if my heart was beating and I was just put under for surgery then why am I not in my body?

There had to be a reasonable explanation for this, it must be a Pixie thing, right? Knowing I wasn't dead calmed me down so I started watching the doctors while they continued messing around with my insides. From what I have learned about bodies mine looked normal for the most part so I wondered what they could possibly be doing for this long. I sat down, or at least tried to and ended up on the floor beneath the surgery room, and watched for what felt like the rest of my life until eventually I felt a slight pull at my current body state, it was quite amusing feeling my floating body enter my solid body again while everything slowly went black. I was so thankful that I wasn't dead that once I was back in my body I muttered under my breath,

"Oh how I missed you my sweet amazing body."

I had no idea what day or time it was but I had assumed it was a few hours after the surgery and that I would most likely be alone in my room but to my surprise I heard a chuckle and opened my eyes to see my mother with a huge smile on her face. Her eyes were extremely puffy and red most likely from crying and freaking out about what was happening but seeing her smile told me that I was going to be fine.

"Well that was a very interesting experience, did you know that when doctors put you under you float outside your body until the sleeping stuff is gone?"

I asked weakly, wondering if that could have also been why she chuckled when I first woke up.

"Yes, I did, I hoped you wouldn't freak out too much but I had to drive behind the ambulance and they were allowed passing everyone and as you know, I am not allowed so I showed up after they already had you under."

"Oh thank god, I thought there was something wrong with me, and I thought I was dead since I didn't think to look at the heart monitor when I first realized I wasn't in my body."

She laughed a little and I joined her just as the doctor walked in.

"So, Mrs. Trix, your daughter will be fine. She seems to heal very fast, she no longer has any broken bones, not even fractured or sprained, they are fully and perfectly healed. Absolutely nothing is wrong with her at this point in time, we would like to keep her overnight to monitor how she is but by tomorrow morning you should be okay to take her home. I suggest you rest well for at least a week even though everything is healed and really nothing is wrong."

He sounded very interested by the fact that I healed abnormally fast and that there was nothing wrong when they got into the surgery but before I had had two broken bones, a concussion, and who even knows what else.

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