2. Elena

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Everything is a blur, I don't quite understand what's happening, or where I am. I can hear a voice, male, but it's very quiet, I think whoever it is, there whispering, I can't make out what's being said though. My eyes won't open, I wonder why, I want them to open, but they won't. Then within a matter of ten seconds but what felt like years, my eyes opened and this stunning boy was standing over top of me, staring, and then I understood what had happened. I had passed out in class when the new kid, Spencer, had sat down beside me.

I couldn't tell if I was more embarrassed, or in pain. Pixies heal fast physically, not emotionally, so I think I was more embarrassed at this time. I had just passed out, for the first time in my entire life, and I don't even know why. That's when he chose to speak,

"Are you okay, Elena?"

He asked sincerely,

"Ya, I think I'm okay, everything's a bit groggy, did I break any bones? Or give myself a concussion?"

I asked, worried, when I spoke I meant for it to be clear but it was faint and had no emotion in it. I wasn't sure if he knew why I fainted, but I sure hoped not because if I didn't know, then no one should.

The nurse walked in and before I got a chance to say anything, Spencer beat me to it asking,

"Is she okay? Any broken bones? A concussion? Brain bleed? Anything?"

He sounded paranoid, almost like he had known me his entire life, like we were best friends, which reminded me that I didn't see Faye anywhere.

"No, there is nothing wrong with her, I do suggest going home and resting though since there's no more class."

After she said that I wondered how long I had been out for, so I decided to ask,

"How long was I passed out for? And where's Faye?"

"Faye was told and sent home, she was here for awhile, and it is currently 6:26. We called your parents to let them know what happened and where you are."

She answered.

I then looked at Spencer and asked,

"How long have you been here for?"

"Not long, I had to go home to do a few things then I came back at about five."

He said. All I could think was "Thank god he hasn't been sitting here the whole time watching me." That's when my headache started and I knew I should probably get home and call Faye. I tried to get out of bed, but instead almost fell off, luckily, but surprisingly, Spencer caught me. I had to take a second after that to catch my breath, I wasn't used to a guy caring so much as to catch me from falling. It was a very warm feeling that came across me then that made me practically jump out of his arms and back into the bed, I knew that feeling. Not from experience, but my mom had told me all about when she first realized that dad was "The One".

I should also probably mention that as a Pixie, I don't get to choose who "The One" is. No Pixie can, which is not a good thing because I only know his name, I'm not going to lie, his name is hot, and he is very hot, but I know nothing about him as a person. I hoped I would get lucky like mom and it turn out to be someone I become close with after awhile, but too late now.

"Am I okay to call my parents and get them to come pick me up?"

I asked the nurse, I had to do everything possible to stop him from getting close to me again.

"Yes dear, of course you can, the phone is on the wall behind you."


Once I got home I called Faye, which was a mistake, because she answered with,

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