Chapter Twenty nine: The Tension

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Kankuro had Sarina stand up straight and he placed a hand on the top of her head. "I know that he should be-but do you think that he'd even spare her a look right now?" Kankuro asked as he pointed to where Gaara was.

Temari and Shikamaru looked to where Gaara was and they sighed out in unison. When Sarina looked she just looked down before she looked up at Kankuro. "C-Can you still teach me please Kankuro?"

Kankuro looked to her with a small smile. "Sure if that's what you want."

"It is, if he's not going to pay attention to me then I want to make him regret it. Especially after what he had told me not weeks before." Sarina said sternly

Temari looked to Sarina impressed. "Well look at you maturing-if there's ever anything that you want to talk about Sarina let me know. I am here for you."

"I know and I'm thankful for that." Sarina said with a smile as she looked to the blond haired female happily.

Temari and Shikamaru swam back to the shore as Kankuro went back to teaching Sarina how to swim before she was able to do basic things like breath under water for a short period of time and doggy paddle. By that time the two of them were called over and they saw why-they were going to sing happy birthday to Temari which Sarina stayed close to Temari before she hugged her friend after she blew the candles out.

Afterwards Kankuro served it out as Sarina was talking to Temari about the jobs that she had applied for that she was waiting for a response for. Temari hoped that Sarina was able to get a job so she could be an independent woman, Temari knew that Sarina had what it took it only was a matter of her growing a backbone when it came to Gaara. Temari saw that Sarina had a hard time saying no to her youngest brother and that would always be a problem as long as the two of them were close to one another as they were.

Once the party was over with Temari drove them all home and saw that Sarina had fallen asleep in the back of the car half way back home. She looked to Gaara as she stopped at a red light. "Gaara we need to talk."

"Hm? What about?" Gaara asked confused

"How about the lack of attention you gave your unstable girlfriend? Tell me after everyone else came by do you know where she went or what she was doing?" Temari asked curiously

Gaara was quiet for a while, he looked down sadly as he realized that he didn't know what happened to her-especially after Matsuri and a few other females came up to him. Even though Gaara didn't like Matsuri he couldn't have been rude to her if she had been invited by his elder sister.

"It's not my fault you are friends with the worst problem on earth and you invited her to your birthday party. But to answer your question-no I didn't know what happened to her cause Matsuri wouldn't let me go." Gaara said unamused

Temari looked to Kankuro who spoke up. "Sarina was sitting on a rock away from everyone due to having an anxiety attack. I had taught her how to swim to get her mind off of the terrible feeling she had. She knows some basic things but not a lot-I shouldn't have been the one to do that though."

Gaara frowned as he looked to Sarina who was asleep leaning against the side of the car while Temari drove off once more. "Gaara I realize you are naturally nice to people but you can be ruthless to people if you don't want to be around them like your ex-I know it wasn't the best idea to invite her but I was stupid and emailed everyone I knew on my friends email list...I didn't even think about the fact that I had Matsuri or her posse as friends on there. You should have made an excuse just to leave them just so you could spend time with your girlfriend."

Gaara sighed as he heard Temari speak, he knew he was in deep shit when it came to Sarina. He didn't know what type of treatment that he would get from his girlfriend but he knew that he would have to act twice as kind to her just to keep her from breaking them apart. When they got home Gaara quickly got out before he unclasped Sarina's seat belt, he then carried his sleeping girlfriend out of the car and into the house.

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