Chapter Twenty seven: Not so good idea

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After Kankuro, Gaara, Shikamaru and Sarina watched Temari graduate with her class Sarina had a lot of time to figure out what she wanted to do with herself due to the fact that she didn't want to pester Gaara all the time through the summer. So she went out for an entire day to try to find a job knowing that it would give her time to be away from Gaara and the others so she wouldn't pester them as much.

By the time she had gotten back home Gaara was sitting on the porch as if he was waiting for something-or one. When he saw her he quickly got up and he rushed up to her wrapping his arms around her. She stiffened a bit feeling him hug her as she looked up to him. "G-Gaara what's with you? I was only gone for a few hours."

"I thought you ran off again-I didn't want anything bad to happen to you." He said concerned as he looked down to her

"I didn't run off Gaara, I went to fill out applications just so I could get a summer job." Sarina explained

He blinked his eyes a few times. "Why would you do that Sarina? Do you not like being here with my siblings and I?"

"It's not that Gaara, I'd never leave you. Your siblings are really nice too-nicer than mine are which I kinda envy but...anyways. I'm getting a job so I don't have to constantly pester you. I figured it'd be better for the both of us to have time away-" She said before her lips were covered with his own.

She blushed as she felt him move himself closer to her as he pulled away from the kiss. "I don't mind you constantly being around me Sarina, actually I'd be very concern if you weren't around me. This is the first summer that you'd have to finally be yourself in, I want it to be memorable to you. That can't happen if you push us apart like that"

She blinked her eyes a few times. "G-Gaara...I don't know if that's a good idea, what if you get sick and tired of being around me?"

"That'll never happen. Why would I get sick and tired of being around the loving woman that I care so much about?"

Sarina averted her eyes from him as she had no answer for his question, he kissed her on the lips once more. "That's what I thought. Temari has been looking for you apparently she wants to talk to you about something and wouldn't tell me what or why."

Sarina sighed as she looked up at Gaara once more. "Alright-I'll go and see what she wants. After that you and I can do something together yeah?"

"Of course anything you want Sarina."

She nodded her head before she went into the house and found where Temari was. When Temari saw her she smiled and motioned for her to get closer to her and her laptop. So she did and sat beside her. "What's up Temari?"

"When it becomes my birthday I want us all to go to the beach-but my problem is getting you a bathing suit for the occasion. I don't know what style you'd want or if going into the water would be something you'd want to do."Temari explained

Sarina smiled at the elder female. "I'd like to go to the beach-as for the bathing suit...I'm not all that confident in my body plus I think the scars are still there so a one piece would probably be best. I like the colors purple, black and red."

Temari thought for a moment and smiled. "Alright, I can work with that not a problem. So earlier Gaara was freaking out since he didn't pay attention to the fact that you said you were going job hunting and seeing him tweak out was kinda priceless. Kankuro and I had to calm the poor boy down." Temari said with a sigh

"He was waiting outside when I came home." Sarina explained

"Yeah I know, Kankuro told him to do that if he was really that worried. Honestly he's turned into a lost puppy while being with you-it's kinda cute to see him in such a state around you." Temari said with a weak smile

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