Chapter Twenty four: Birthday surprise part three

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Sabrina's brown eyes widen in utter shock before she shrieked out. "WHAT?! Kankuro how could you!"

"He had every right to do so, honestly he deserves better than a lying skank like you." Sarina said as she kept herself hidden by Gaara who wouldn't say a word about anything just yet.

Marcus pushed Gaara out of the way of getting to Sarina only for her to yelp out and rush towards her friends, the first one she hid behind was Sasuke since Shikamaru and Kiba were pulling Gaara up to his feet. Marcus had chased Sarina to where Sasuke was only for Sasuke and Naruto to work together to knock Marcus out before Naruto looked to Sabrina.

"Get Marcus and leave. You were given a warning before Sarina came here-I don't care if you are her elder twin sister you treat her like crap and I'm not going to let anything happen to her while I'm around believe it!" He said seriously

Sarina sighed as she placed her head against Sasuke's back. "Sasuke...."

"Naruto don't be a moron, Sabrina won't leave. We have to force her and Marcus out." Sasuke said seriously as he knocked Naruto upside the head

Sabrina went up to Sasuke and crossed her arms. "Move to the side."

"You look like you have the intentions of hurting Sarina, I'm not letting that happen. Not when her scars are finally healing." Sasuke said shaking his head

Sabrina's eyes widen. "You know about those?!"

"All of us know's about the abuse had hurt you and Marcus gave your sister." Temari said with her hands on her hips. "Her starving herself on the streets for years didn't help her any either. Honestly I wish we could have found her sooner than we had so she didn't suffer as much as she had."

Sabrina looked behind Sasuke and glared at Sarina. "You're just causing trouble everywhere aren't you? Why didn't you just kill yourself if you were homeless? That would have been better than what you're doing now. You're nothing more than a useless stupid brat with-" Sabrina said before she was interrupted by her younger sister.

"NO I'M NOT! YOU LIE! YOU'RE A LIAR! STOP IT! STOP DOING WHAT YOU DID BEFORE OVER AGAIN!" Sarina yelled as she covered her ears and fell to the ground sobbing "I'm not any of what you said-that's all you...I know I'm smart, I know that I can be useful, I know that I'm cared for..."

Sabrina scoffed. "You honestly think that people will deliberately raise your moral up? You are sadly mistaken, get the hell off the ground you drama queen. Wake Marcus up and all three of us are leave this place. If I can't be with Kankuro then you can't be anywhere near Gaara."

"No!" Sarina said shaking her head.

"What was that you pathetic brat?!" Sabrina said shocked and irate

"What are you deft and stupid?! I said no!" Sarina said sniffling a bit

As Sabrina went towards Sarina and began to punch her-Sasuke attempted to get her off of Sarina as the cops were let into the house by Temari who had called them beforehand. Sabrina was taken out of the apartment as was Marcus who was still unconscious once Gaara and Kankuro explained everything with everyone else confirming what they said.

Once her siblings were out of the house Gaara went to help Sarina with the marks she got from blocking her face from being hit from her elder sister. Afterwards the party went as planned which calmed Sarina down as she ended up falling asleep on Gaara's shoulder after everyone but Shikamaru left out. When Gaara found out that she had fallen asleep on his shoulder he picked her up and went to bed with her beside him. He made sure that she was covered properly as he wrapped his arms around her.

He kissed the top of her head softly as he watched her sleep until he too fell asleep with her against his chest. When morning came he saw that Sarina was sitting on top of him with a smile on her face.

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