Chapter sixteen: Friendly conversation

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When Sarina finally met up with Sakura at a coffee shop, Sakura already got her something and was waiting for her. The two of them ate a bit before Sakura smiled at her. "So just what do you need help with?"

"Well Temari was explaining Valentines day and well-I want to be able to do something for Gaara since he's been so nice to me. Even when my siblings were alive he was the only one who didn't treat me like utter crap. I thought that it was strange that back then that he'd do something like that but I...I don't know what to do. I've never crushed on someone before..." Sarina explained shyly

Sakura smiled at her and placed her hands over Sarina's "Don't sweat it-honestly I've seen how he looks at you. I think he likes you too just he's just as shy as you are about it. I don't think he'll be confessing himself to you anytime soon though. He had gotten out of a bad relationship with Matsuri not that long ago-it was about a year and half ago that he had been with her before he broke it off with her for some reason. He didn't explain why to her at all."

" think I shouldn't do anything?" Sarina asked

" should just to let him know it's okay. But I wouldn't do anything that would scare the poor guy." Sakura said shaking her head

"S-so what should I do?" Sarina asked confused

"Let's Finish up here and I'll show you. I'm sitting in almost the same boat as you with Sasuke...I just hope he won't be upset with me for doing what I'm gunna do. I don't want to ruin our friendship." Sakura said with a sigh

"I know what you mean...I don't want to ruin the friendship that I have with Gaara either." Sarina said with a frown

Sakura smiled a little at Sarina. "Then let's do this-if we get rejected by the guy we like we message one another and we can have a sleep over at my place that weekend how about that?"

Sarina nodded her head. "Sure...I-I'd really like that Sakura."

They finished their drinks and muffins before they set out to a nearby store where Sakura explained that it's been a tradition for people to give others chocolates on Valentines day. Sakura explained the different types of chocolates to Sarina before getting two hearts that had chocolates in them. One was for herself the other was so Sarina could give them to Gaara. Sakura then walked Sarina home before going home herself, Sarina bolted into her room and hid the chocolates just so she didn't have Gaara finding them before the fourteenth.

With Gaara; he was getting annoyed with his elder sister who was prying him for answers. He didn't want anyone to know about his crush on Sarina. But how his sister was talking it sounded like she knew something that he didn't which annoyed him. Gaara placed his hand over his older sisters mouth as he looked to her unamused. "Why are you suddenly asking me about Sarina for? Did she talk to you before you came in here to pester me?"

Temari took his hand off of her mouth. "Sorta...She asked me about Valentines day which made me curious if you'd do anything for her. I know you've been eying her as of late. You can't tell me that you've purposely had her fall asleep on you while we've watched movies and crap for nothing. You aren't as slick as you think you are Gaara, so tell me the truth."

Gaara sighed and walked back to his desk. "Yeah-of course I like Sarina. Why else would I have wanted her to be here? I didn't want someone else finding her then my chance of being with her gone out the window. I've wanted to be with her since we saw her two years ago. I wanted to take her out of that abusive house and take care of her myself so she knew what it was like to be cared for-but I didn't want anymore harm to get to her so I kept to myself about it."

Temari looked to him shocked. "You seriously had it hard for her huh?"

"Yeah-it's why I couldn't keep the relationship I had with Matsuri...Matsuri wasn't Sarina, she couldn't keep my mind off of her." Gaara said with a sigh as he sat back down. "Now that Sarina has been living here-I don't want to freak her out. Knowing that there's a possibility of her rejecting me...I don't want to do anything this year."

"That might just give Sarina the wrong idea if she does like you. What if she ends up doing something for you and you don't have anything in return for her? How much of a douche are you going to be to her?"Temari asked as she had a hand on her hip

"You think she will?"

"Well I heard her talking to our parents about talking with Sakura. No doubt Sakura will help her out with that type of stuff. So what'll be little brother?"

Gaara sighed once more before he leaned against his desk. "I'll get something for her tomorrow just not right now-I need to focus on my homework."

"Alright-Alright...just keep in mind you break that poor girls heart and you probably won't see her ever again." Temari said before she left the room.

She then heard her brother place his head against his desk which made her laugh a bit as she covered her mouth. "So cute...If this doesn't work out I'm going to lock them together in a closet till they make up."

Temari then went to talk to Kankuro only to see that he was talking with Sarina in the living room. She grinned at the two of them before she placed an arm over Kankuro's shoulder. "Can we talk for a minute in the kitchen?"

Kankuro rose an eyebrow at her but nodded his head. "Sure...I guess. Sarina I'll be back."

"Kays." She said before she saw the two of them leave.

Sarina went on her phone to play a game as Temari took Kankuro into the kitchen. "What's up Temari?"

"So you know how I've been tellin' you that there's been something going on between Gaara and Sarina?" Temari asked curiously

"Yeah, what about it?" Kankuro asked confused

"I found out what it is-they both like one another but are too afraid to ask the other about it. So come Valentines I'm going to need your help to help me push the two of them together." Temari said with a grin

"Uh-do you really think that's a good idea? What would Sarina and Gaara think about this? This situation is totally up to them not us. We shouldn't be interfering with their private lives." Kankuro said confused

"I know-I know, but Sarina's never been with anyone before and the only person who she feels safe with is Gaara-and Gaara was with Matsuri cause he wanted to get his mind off of Sarina but couldn't. So we just need to nudge them just right and everything will be just fine if they can get themselves together properly." Temari explained

"Yeah-no. I'm not going with that. Good luck getting them together on your own cause you're not getting my help-I don't want to lose Sarina as a friend cause of your antics Temari." Kankuro said with his hands up as he walked back to the living room.

Temari sighed out and crossed her arms, she had to figure out a way to get the duo together somehow alone she just didn't know how since they were both pretty Conservative. Kankuro went back to sitting beside Sarina and shook his head. "My sister is crazy."

"What did Temari want?" Sarina asked curiously looking up from her phone.

"If I told you you'd lose your friendship with Temari."

"I highly doubt that." Sarina said with a shrug

"Okay...well Temari wants to try to place you and Gaara together."

Sarina freaked out and instantly got up to her feet. "WAIT WHAT?!"

"Yeah...I don't know why but she does." Kankuro said with a sigh

"Oh great..I'll still be friends with her but I'm going to be more than on edge." Sarina said with a sigh as she sat back down again. "I want to try to do things on my own. If I get rejected-I get rejected. It'll just be awkward between Gaara and I."

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