Chapter 16

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"Damn, that was tense, Red," Richard said when I made my way back to the counter. He wiped his head, wiping imaginary sweat from it, and I rolled my eyes and scowled. "I thought you would have lost that one. I almost peed my pants."

"Do I need to bring you back a man diaper if I come back?" I asked, sitting down and taking a sip of my water.

Richard narrowed his eyes at me and scowled. "You better not be leaving us again," he said. "Or else, I will tell Xander not to let you in."

"That's cool," I replied. "I know all exits and entrances anyway. I could just pop in here whenever I want, and Xander and you can do nothing about it."

"We could tell him that you had stolen from him." He gave me a pointed look, and I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"He won't care. He'd be wondering why I hadn't gotten caught." I regarded Ramont when he came back over to the table, looking slightly worn out.

"He's been asking about you. Sure he'd be upset that he missed you."

"Good. It's his fault for disappearing for a couple of years." I took a sip of my drink and leaned forward. "Then again, I am sure that he has eyes on me, maybe a certain retired cop." My voice was low that only Richard and probably Ramont could hear.

"You sure?" Richard asked, his voice lowered. He raised an eyebrow. He looked rather worried about something, as if what I was thinking was true.

I nodded my head. "Think you're in on it, too."

His face visibly paled, causing me to smirk. "I... have no idea what you are talking about."

"Un huh," I said. "That is why you are turning paler than a ghost."

Richard shifted on his feet and cleared his throat. He looked around to see if anyone needed anything, but no one did.

"I'll let it slide, this one time," I said, hopping off of the seat that I occupied. "I got to go anyway."

"And go where?" Richard asked. "Have sex with your lover?"

I gave him a look, and he smirked. I knew that he couldn't see it, but I was sure that he felt it. "Ain't no lover to go back to," I replied. I pulled my jacket on and zipped it up. "Just got shit to do in the morning and need to go to sleep."

"Before you go," Richard pulled two small shot glasses from underneath the counter and set them on top of it. "Wanna do it for old times sake?"

I scowled and sat back down. "Fine, since I didn't let you have your fun."

Richard grinned and pulled out a hose. He squirted the water into the glass, the smell disgusting, and the water murky.

"I have no idea how people don't know about this," I said. I squinted and leaned closer to the glass. "Did it get darker?"

"Yup," Richard said. He pushed one to me, and I narrowed my eyes at it. "On three, tap, and chug."

"Got to swallow the whole damn as if it is some juice coming from a God," I said, finishing the thing that he was trying to say.

"Hey, you remember," Richard said. "That's why you are my favorite customer."

"Shut up," I said, and he snorted. I licked my lips and took a deep breath. "Ready?" I asked, feeling slightly nervous. I looked at him to see him nod before looking back on the glass. "On one."


"Three," we said in unison, banging the shot glass on the table before chugging the disgusting water down.

I slammed the glass on the table, tears forming in my eyes as I swallowed the drink, the taste horrible as the smell. "Fuck," I said, laying my head on the table. I coughed, trying not to throw up. "Shit."

Richard groaned and banged his head on the table. "Fuck, I am too sober for this. Fuck you, Red."

"It's your fault, Richard," I said. I wiped my eyes and fixed my beanie and hoodie before looking at him. "You were the one that suggested."

"I thought you were going to flick me off and walk out," he said.

I grabbed the bottle and chugged the whole thing before wiping my mouth and putting it back on the table. "What? Like this?" I flicked him off before grabbing my gloves and starting to make my way out of the building.

"Later, Red," Richard said. "Don't be a stranger."

I didn't reply as I walked out the door. I wasn't expecting to be coming back any time soon. I just hoped whatever my grandmother had planned didn't make me go back and fall into a habit that I had kicked.

Rags to Riches. Really? (1st book of Really? Series)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن