Chapter 13

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I took a deep breath and let it out while I stared at the opponent before me. My whole body was tense, but I made sure to take a deep breath and let it out before relaxing.

"Do you remember the rules, Red?" the ref asked, and I nodded. He nodded his head and glanced at my opponent. "No weapons," he warned. "You don't want to use them, especially on her."

The male stared at me with a new interest. "Oh, really?" he said. He sneered, his lips disappearing into his thick beard. "And why is that?"

"Because I have been known to use the weapon against the person that had used it against me," I replied. "Don't test me."

The male rolled his eyes. "Bullshit," he said, and I raised an eyebrow. "I don't believe you." He got into a fighting stance. "So, Sweet Cheeks, do you want to dance?"

"Like fighting dance or a dance-off?" I asked, also getting into position. My breathing was leveled as I eyed him up and down. I was ready to face him, ready to fight and get all of this pent up energy out of my system. "'Cause I am sure that I can beat you in both."

The male narrowed his lips. "I don't believe you," he said, and I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "You are just a little girl that does not know how to do a thing, especially fighting."

"Are you sure?" I asked. "'Cause, I think that it would be you who didn't know how to fight. I mean, you are the one running their mouth and not in position, Sweetheart."

This riled the male up, and I smirked. Anger filled his eyes as he roared out a challenge before glaring at me with a look that could kill. He gnashed his teeth at me as if he was some sort of wolf. "I am going to kill you," he all but growled out. "I hope your Mama isn't expecting you home."

I snorted but remained silent. I was impressed that he didn't attack me, but I was sure that it was because the ref didn't say go.

The ref lifted his hand and looked at my opponent. He looked a little hesitant, and I wasn't sure if he was worried about my safety or his. He glanced at me and nodded when I nodded mine. "Fight," he yelled before backing away from the center of the ring.

The male roared again and charged at me like a raging bull. Fury filled his body, and I could tell that he wasn't that good at focusing while he was angry.

A smirk appeared on my lips as I crouched a little, ready to move when he was closer to me. My whole body was humming with anticipation while I was watching him charge at me.

I wasn't afraid of this male that looked at me as if I was prey because I had faced men like him before. And, I knew that the bigger they were, the harder they fall, and he wasn't going to be any different.


I ducked underneath the punch that he threw at me and moved to the left. I was known not to throw any punches yet, wanting to get a feeling for my opponent.

I kept my hands up, making sure that if he did strike me, then he wouldn't be able to strike my face.

"Fight me, you stupid bitch," the male snarled, narrowing eyes at me. "Or are you chicken?"

I snorted and rolled my eyes. I ducked underneath his punch and moved to the right. I knew that he was going to get angry, but I didn't care. I knew how to handle guys like him.

I've dealt with my share of them and knew that they were more talk, less action. I knew that his anger would get the best of him, and I wanted to see how much he could take.

And, from the looks of it, he wasn't able to handle it at all. It didn't take him long to let his anger get the best of him, proving that his anger was his weakness.

I bit back a smirk and threw a punch at his side, ducking underneath his punch. I backed up and took a deep breath feeling a smirk appear on my face.

He wanted to dance, so I was going to give a dance. And, he was going to lose no matter how hard he was going to try to win.

Rags to Riches. Really? (1st book of Really? Series)Where stories live. Discover now