Chapter 4

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"Ummm... what?" I asked, shocked. Did she really expect me to believe that I was the next queen of a country that I have never heard of before? "This has to be a joke."

"It is no joke; I do not joke," she replied. "A quee-"

"Ya, ya, I get it," I said, interrupting her. I ignored her glare and moved a hand through my hair. "And, you were the people that were following me?"

"Of course, we had to make sure tha-"

I snorted and shook my head, finding this situation amusing. "Ya... excuse me, I think I have to go before I break down and am sent into a mental hospital." I stood and was about to walk away when Ramont stood in front of me.

"I suggest you sit back down," he said. There was a bit of warning in his voice that caused my whole body to tense and be prepared for danger.

"And I suggest that you move out of my way," I replied, my voice deadly. My blues eyes flashed a darker color while watching him shift a bit and looked me up and down. My whole body screamed fighter, and I knew that he could pick up on that.

"Excuse me, am I messing up something here?" a voice asked, causing me to let out a small bit of breath. I spotted Jenny's cousin looking over us, an easy-going smile on his face. His blonde hair was in that 'just got out of bed' fashion with his brown eyes sparkling with mischief. "If I am, then I am sorry. There is a huge snowstorm coming soon, and I have to take this young lady home to her little ones."

I rolled my eyes, my body relaxing a bit now that I had someone who would make sure that I didn't punch someone. "Ya, shut up, Tony. I don't think Georgie will like being called little."

"That's because you are shorter than him," he replied. He glanced at Ramont, who was looking between us. "Now, if you do not mind, please move out of the way." There was a tick in his jaw, and I knew that he was about to punch him.

"Let them go," my "grandmother," said. "She has some thinking to do."

Ramont nodded his head and moved out of my way. "Of course," he said.

"We will see each other later," she said, looking at me.

I narrowed my eyes but didn't say a thing while I followed Tony away from the two.


"So, what was that about?" Tony asked after we climbed into his truck. "You looked like you were about to hurt him."

"I was about to," I said. I moved a hair through my hair and grimaced. "She said that she was my grandmother, and my father was a Prince."

"If that is true, then that would make you a Princess," Tony said.

"And next in line to be queen." I shook my head and chuckled darkly. "I am used to be living just in poverty, so I have no idea what I will do with this. I mean, I can't rule over some place. I'm not..."

"Prepared?" Tony asked. "Mir, you are one smart girl. You've been able to do stuff on your own for as long as I can remember. I think you will be able to run a country."

"But... I only have rags and shit. I need to protect my siblings first."

"And they will probably be there with you." He glanced at me before looking back at the road. "So, Uncle Robbie placed the old generator in the back as well as a heater. You have wood?"

I nodded, glad that he had changed the subject. "Ya, we have wood. I'm going to have to get more, though."

"Don't bother. Uncle Robbie placed some more in the back. We'll get it after the snowstorm."

"Tell him that I said thank you and that I hate him."

Tony snickered and smirked. "He hates you too."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the nineteen-year-old and grin. "Sure, he does," I replied with sarcasm. "I don't believe that a bit." 

Rags to Riches. Really? (1st book of Really? Series)Where stories live. Discover now