Chapter 12

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"Red," people called out as they spotted me. People lifted their drinks towards me in greeting before going back to their drinks and watching the fight that was going on.

I nodded my head in greeting and walked to the bar where a gray-haired male stood with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. "What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Two years. You show up out of the blue after two years of not coming here; why?"

I shrugged my shoulder and sat down on the barstool in front of him. "Didn't need to come. Found other ways to let my anger out."

The male scoffed and placed a bottle of water in front of me. "And you couldn't call me?"

"No, cell, Richard," I replied. I took the gloves off of my hands and placed them on the counter. The hood and beanie that I wore were still on, and the leather jacket that I had gotten from an old friend. I reached for the bottle and started to take the top off. "And even if I did, I wouldn't let you have the number." I took a sip from the bottle, offering him a smirk.

Richard placed a hand over his heart and narrowed his eyes. "You wound me, Red," he said, and I snorted. "Are you fighting?"

I nodded my head and twisted towards the front. I caught the eye of the ref and nodded my head when he cocked his head.

"I'm taking that as a yes," Richard said, and I looked at him. He had a glass in his hand and was drying it with the towel he kept on his belt. "Do you think you'll be able to win?" He raised an eyebrow.

I shrugged my shoulder and took another sip of the water. I twisted back towards him, knowing that the ref would call me when it was time to come up. "Probably," I replied, setting the water onto the counter. "I wouldn't bet against me not winning."

Richard nodded, set the glass down where other glasses were laid out and started to dry another. "Been fighting?"

I grunted and nodded my head. "Not going to tell you where." I flashed him a smirk, and he scowled.

The door opened, and we looked in that direction. Others stopped and looked as well, and we watched as a newcomer walked in.

The newcomer was a male, and he was dressed in clothes that I was familiar with, having given them to him before we went to bed. He looked kind of disheveled as if he had been in a fight, and I noticed that half of the sleeve was missing.

"You know who that is?" Richard asked as the male scanned the room. "He's looking for someone.

I shrugged my shoulder and bit back a scowl, not impressed with him following me. "Whoever he is doesn't belong here," I said coldly. I turned away from him and pulled the hoodie farther down my face, making sure that the beanie didn't move that much. I made sure that my brown hair was still in its tight braid and made sure that it couldn't be seen by the male. "I'm surprised that only his shirt was ripped."

Richard grunted. "He's making his way over here," he said, and I cursed silently and turned to look at the male that was slowly making his way towards us. "Should we send him away?" he asked, and I shook my head, no.

"If the dogs and Xander couldn't stop him, then he is allowed in. That was the rule."

Richard nodded his head and walked over to him. He didn't have to move that far because the male, Ramont, sat in a seat near me, leaving one in between us. "Been bit?" he asked, and Ramont shook his head, no.

"Startled me and ripped the sleeve of the sweater," he replied, and I couldn't help but be surprised that he wasn't talking all "formal" as he had been. He leaned forward and closed his eyes. "Can I get a water?" he asked, opening them.

"Bottle or tap?" Richard asked, placing the glass down.


"Give him bottled over ice," I said, interrupting him. I scowled at Richard and ignored Ramont when he glanced at me. "We both know that the tap water is only good in beer. Don't know why you even offered it to him."

Richard shrugged and picked up the glass that he had placed down. He grabbed some ice and poured it in before tapping off the glass with water. "Been doin' it to all new customers," he said, flashing me a smirk. "It's tradition."

I scowled and narrowed my eyes at him. I had been a victim of the trick a long time ago, so I knew it was true. "You need a new tradition," I scowled, and he raised his hands in mock surrender.

"You buyin' it, too?" he asked, putting the bottle next to Ramont if Ramont needed to top it off.

"Don't I still got fifty on tabs?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Red, your turn," someone called, and I hopped up from my spot and capped my bottle.

"Two years, Red," he said, watching as I placed the bottle on the counter with one of my gloves over it. "Do you really think I would hold onto that money for two fucking years waiting for you to grace our presence with that mouth of yours?"

"Yes," I replied, pushing my seat in. I took off my leather jacket, leaving me in a red shirt that had gotten me the nickname "Red." "Put it on my tab."

"Red, hurry the fuck up, or are you gonna forfeit?" the ref called, sounding a bit "annoyed."

"Fight me," I replied, walking towards the arena, watching as those standing move out of my way.

"Good luck, Red," Richard called out, and I looked that way. He smirked. "I hope you aren't too rusty. Who knows what you have been doing."

"Fighting," I replied. "What else would I be doing?"

Richard shrugged his shoulder and smirked. He didn't say a word, and I gave him the finger.

I turned around and took in a deep breath before letting it out. I had no idea what Ramont being there meant, but I hoped that he wouldn't tell my grandmother.

This was one part of my life that I didn't want out. I had no idea what would happen if anyone found out about me.

I just wanted the kids to be alright and safe.

Rags to Riches. Really? (1st book of Really? Series)Where stories live. Discover now