Chapter 6

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There was a sudden knock on the door, and all of us looked at it before at each other.

Fear flickered through my siblings' eyes, and I knew that they were thinking what I was thinking. Our mother had been found out, and we were to be split. We were going to be taken to different homes, and I would be living alone because I hadn't had the proper paperwork filled out yet.

I took a deep breath and stood, wiping my hands on my jeans. I was nervous, but I knew that I had to stay calm for everyone else. "Stay quiet," I warned before walking over to the door. I could feel the adrenaline start to rush through my body as I prepared myself for a fight. I had no idea who it was, but I would protect my family no matter what the cost was.

Tony came up behind me, and I was sure that it was because he thought that I needed backup. He knew that sometimes people did come knocking because they were looking for my alias, only to be surprised to see a female and a male.

I glanced back at him to scowl before looking at the door. I took a deep breath and opened it to see that man, Ramont, standing there covered in snow and shaking from head to toe. "Ramont?" I asked, curious as to why he was here. "Why are you here?" I glanced around to see a vehicle and felt a little worried for my "grandmother".

"Her Highness... ditch..." he said, stuttering, shaking from the cold. "Help... please."

I nudged Tony back and opened the door, letting whatever warm air out. "Get in and warm up. Tony, Georgie and I will get her." I held my hand, stopping him from talking. "Were you heading towards here?" I asked, and I nodded. I closed my eyes and let out an annoyed grunt, rubbing the bridge of my nose. "Get in. It's too cold for you to be out here." I opened my eyes and noticed that he had somewhat thin clothes on, not something that was needed for a blizzard.

Ramont hesitated bit entered the house. He took the blanket that my other sister, Eliza, had offered him and offered her a small smile. "Thank you." He placed it around his shoulders and looked around to see the disarray of blankets and children that were using them.

Eliza grinned at him and looked at me. "Do you need me to make him some cocoa? I think we had a bit left."

I nodded my head, and she ran to the kitchen to get the rest of the cocoa for him and the queen. "Sit, Ramont. We'll get her and bring her back here. Georgie, are you up for a little road trip?" I grabbed what I had on and started to bundle myself up again. I ignored Tony's groan as he started to get ready too, because he knew that I was going to need him and his truck.

Georgie nodded his head. He hurried over to grab some warmer clothing for himself, knowing that I would scold him if he didn't. He didn't say a word, and I was grateful for his willingness to help.

"You can wait," Romant said, stuttering. He watched as we started to get ready, and I could tell that he wanted to help too. "I'll be better in a bit, then all four of us can go."

I shook my head no, pulling the ski cap over my head. "Too cold. You'll freeze to death. We'll be fine."

"Don't argue with her," Tony warned. He pulled out a hat and stuffed it on Georgie's head when he came over to us, hopping into my old boots. "She loves to argue, and that will take up more time. Is the door to the car unlocked with the keys in the ignition?"

Ramont nodded his head. "Be careful," he said. "And, tell her that I said I am sorry."

I nodded my head, stuffing my feet into my boots. "Will do." I looked at the three of them and nodded, seeing that they were dressed and ready for the weather. "Let's go." And with that, I walked into the snow, followed by the two others.


"How are we going to see the car?" Tony asked, his windshield wipers going full speed. He held onto the steering wheel tight, and I could tell that he did not like this one bit. His truck was made for all types of weather, but that didn't mean he liked driving it when it was snowing. "We can't even see that far ahead of us."

"I think that they are five minutes away from my house before they landed into a ditch," I said. I had my face near the window, my eyes scanning the road in hopes of spying the black car. "He looks to be very cold, so I think he had spent either fifteen minutes or thirty minutes outside trying to get to my house."

"That's really helpful," Tony said, rolling his eyes. "How do you know that?"

I turned to look at him and gave him a pointed look. "If I take the main road, it takes me twenty minutes to get into town," I said. I placed my face up against the window, trying not to fog it up. "If it is snowing, then it'd take me a little over an hour because I would have had to walk."

"Basically, she is saying from experience," Georgie said from where he was perched on Tony. "There, I see a car. Is that it?"

"I think so," I said, turning in that direction. I bit back a sigh of relief to see that the ditch was not that big, and I was sure we could get it out. "It looks like the car that had been following me."

"That... is not a car, Mir. It's a limo," Tony said in a duh fashion. "I think you need to get your eyes checked." He backed the truck towards it, and I scowled. "But, I get what you mean."

"Just keep your eyes peeled and be careful," I warned. I opened the truck door, hissing at the cold in annoyance. "We don't want anyone to run you over." I hopped out of the warm truck and made my way to the limo. I was grateful that Tony still had ski goggles in the truck because the snow was getting that bad, and I still needed to see.

I shook my head and knocked on the back window, pulling the ski goggles to the top of my head. I watched my... grandmother opened the window a crack before opening it some more. I offered her a grim smile. "Ramont's getting warmed up at my place," I said, answering her questioning gaze. "Tony, Georgie, and I will get you out. Just be warned, my house might be a little too cold for you."

Rags to Riches. Really? (1st book of Really? Series)Where stories live. Discover now