Chapter 3

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I gritted my teeth in annoyance while I poured Jeb more of his coffee. How dare he take over seating in my section. For what reason? Me not having any money? Did he really think that I would take money from "royalty?" I mean, I wasn't sure that they were royalty or not, but I really didn't care.

"Whoa, what happened to you?" Jeb asked, catching the deadly look in my eyes.

"Asston happened," I hissed. "I'm gonna kill him."

Jeb lifted the coffee cup to his lips. "Just make sure that no blood is spilled, and the evidence doesn't point back to you," he said, taking a sip of his coffee.

I gave him a weird look. "Aren't you supposed to say 'don't do this, it is against the laws'?" I asked.

"Well, Ashton is an asshole," he replied. "And what did he do?"

"Some royalty people sat down on my side, and he won't let me serve them," I replied. "He thinks I'm going to pick their pockets when they aren't looking." I rolled my eyes. "I mean, I am desperate, but I'm not that desperate."

"Put him in the meat locker," Jeb said. He took another sip of his coffee. "Then burn him."

"And what about his ashes?" I asked. "Bury them?"

"Dump them into the sea," he replied. "Or, mix it with coffee beans and serve it to someone."

"Remind me not to get on your bad side," I said, creeped out with what Jeb was telling me. "I mean, he is an asshole but not much of an asshole to be mixed with coffee beans."

"Your loss," he replied. He glanced behind me and sat up a bit, scowling.

"What is it?" I asked. I turned around to see someone that instantly made me think of Joe from The Princess Diaries. "Yes, may I help you, Sir?" I asked.

"Her Highness, Isadora is wonder if you would like to sit down and have a cup of tea with her," he said. He glanced at Jeb before looking back at me, smiling a bit.

I mentally cringed, thinking about sitting down with someone that I didn't know and them being rich. "I'm sorry, but I have work until late." I placed on a pitiful look, hoping that he would leave me alone. "I would if I could, but I can't."

"Uh, yes, she can," my best friend said, linking arms with me. She smiled at the security guard person before looking at me. "Dad says to take a fifteen-minute break. He knows that you haven't..." She glanced at the man that was watching us, not even caring that Jeb was frowning.

I bit back a groan. "And how does he know?" I asked, hating that Jenny was going to make me eat something with this queen lady. I gave her a look that meant that she should explain.

Jenny moved a hand through her hair and grimaced. "We might have been talking about... stuff, and it just came out. I didn't mean to. I swear." She gave me a guilty look that caused me to huff. "He says that it'll be at the house, and he'll get you extra food for your siblings. He also said that he'd give you more hours, so you won't feel "guilty" about doing this." She squirmed underneath my gaze. "And ya... go eat something." She looked at Jeb. "Would you like your pie now, Jeb?" she all but squeaked.

"I might ground your ashes into a cup of coffee," I grumbled to her before jerking my head in the direction that the male had come from. "Lead the way, Sir."

"Of course," he replied, bowing his head before turning around and into the direction that he came from.

I sent one pleading look at the ex-cop and my friend, and I only earned a sympathetic wave from them.



"You wanted to see me, Your Majesty?" I asked the woman sitting by herself, trying my best to curtsy in a pair of pants.

"Yes, please sit," the woman said, gesturing towards the chair in front of her. She didn't look up from her menu. "How are you, Dear?"

"Good, Your Majesty, how about you?" I sat in the seat; my whole body was tense because I did not know if I could trust her or not.

"You know, you can relax," the woman said, glancing up at me with eyes so much like mine. A smile played on her lips, and her stern face appeared friendlier than it had been. "I am not scary."

I dipped my head in a nod. "Of course," I replied, trying to appear relaxed, even though I wasn't. "My apologizes."

"Hmmm," she said. She sipped from her cup and looked up at me. "Now, what do you suggest to eat? Everything looks... exquisite."

"Are you all ready to order?" someone asked, coming to our table. I couldn't help but let a sigh of relief when I saw that it was Jenny. "Ashton was sent home," she said, seeing my look. "Dad was furious to find out that he was discrimin-"

"It's fine," I said, waving her off, not wanting them to hear what she had to say. "And three usuals." I glanced at the male behind us before looking at the queen. "He is eating as well?"

The queen nodded. "Yes, he is," she replied. "And I am Isadora, and he is Ramont." She gestured toward herself and the body/security guard.

"Mira and this is my best friend, Jennifer," I said.

Jen smiled. "I'll get your food for you," she said, taking the menus from them. "Oh, and it's chicken fettuccine alfredo. It's Amaury's specialty." With that, she bowed her head and left us.

"Nice girl," Queen Isadora said, smiling a bit.

I nodded. "She's been through a lot," I replied. I cleared my throat and shifted in my seat. "Now, why is it that I am here?"

She took a sip of her tea and watched me before putting her cup down. "I had a son, a bright and charming man that I loved dearly. He didn't want to take over as king, so he traveled to the United States, here actually. He fell in love with a beautiful and charming woman, and he had married her after he impregnated her with my first granddaughter."

"What does this have to do anything?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You were that baby," she said. "You are my granddaughter and the next queen of Erinshire."

Rags to Riches. Really? (1st book of Really? Series)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें