Chapter 2

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"Now, don't you dare think that you can pay me back," Robbie called, and I cringed because he was like a mind reader. He turned around and smirked, his lips going into his full black beard. "You have done enough already."

I bit back a scoff and rolled my eyes. I had no idea what I had done for Robbie and their family, but I knew better than to ask as to what I had done for them. "Whatever," I grumbled, and he snickered. "I am going to get dressed. Do not check me in because I am not working yet," I called after his retreating back while I went to the changing rooms that we had in the back.

"Too late," Robbie called, and I groaned.

"Asshole," I muttered when I went into the changing room. I quickly changed into my work outfit, glad that I had decided on having them underneath all the layers I had to keep warm.

The reason as to why I had called him an asshole was because he knew that I hated handouts. I hated depending on someone because, in the end, they sometimes want things in return. Sure, Robbie wasn't like that, but he has known us for a long time, becoming the "parent" in the parent-teacher conferences that my siblings and I had to have. He knew that I hated depending on someone for money and to keep the kids and I fed. I mean, he even helps with that by having Amaury, the cook, give us leftover food that he hadn't needed.

I shook my head to get me out of my thoughts and pulled my brown hair into a braid. "No time to think," I scolded myself, hating the fact that I had wasted some time thinking. "You are on clock now, thanks to Robbie." I gathered up my stuff and went to the locker room, stuffing my stuff there before grabbing my apron and grabbed the thing that I needed to take down orders.

"Well, the bitch has finally arrived," a teasing voice said from behind me. "What took you so long?"

I turned around to catch sight of my best friend, Jennifer, still dressed for the weather outside. "I don't know," I replied. "I mean the geek looks like to have just come in as well." A smirk appeared on my face when she snorted and rolled her eyes.

"But, I am not checked in, like someone is," she glanced me up and down, pursing her lip. "Did he do it?" She moved a hand through her black hair, looking so much like her father that I was sure if he was a girl or she was a boy, then they would have been counted as twins.

I nodded, pursing my lips. "I think it's his way of apologizing for throwing me into the wall." I closed the locker and started to walk towards the entrance before being pulled back by my best friend. "What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as she started to inspect me.

"Did he hurt you?" she asked in a deadly voice that would've scared anyone if they weren't used to it. Jennifer was a good friend, but she was too much protective of me for my tasting. I mean, I knew how to protect myself, and I didn't need her to protect me.

"God no," I said, rolling my eyes. "I have been through worse beatings than being slammed into a wall. And, you know that." I gave her a look, hoping that she would calm down and not try to beat up her father. I mean, I wasn't kidding when I said that I had gone through worse beatings by being an ex-street fighter.

Jenny huffed but nodded. "I know... I just don't want you to get hurt anymore. You and your siblings.."

I held up my hand, quieting her from talking. "I know," I assured her. "I am fine. No broken bones or anything like that."

Jenny nodded her head before smirking. She pushed up her glasses and looked me up and down. "Now, how did he pin an ex-fighter? I mean, I am sure that you are keeping your skills up by being a boxer and taking self-defense classes."

I glared at her. "Shut up, Geek," I scowled, and she barked out laughing. "We're coming over to your place tomorrow. It's cold at ours, and Robbie wants me to babysit."

Jenny nodded, frowning. Worry filled her eyes, but she knew better than to say anything. "I'll see you tomorrow then, Bitch."

"Later, Geek." With that, I walked away and sighed. I hoped that whatever happened I would always be able to count on her to make me feel better.


"Afternoon, Jeb," I greeted, pouring coffee for the ex-cop that sat at one my tables that I had to take care of. "Usual?"

Jeb Greeson was his name, and he was one of my favorite people that came in. Not only did he try and make me sit down and eat with him, but he told stories about the times when my mother and father had been together. He also made sure that my siblings and I stayed together with the help of Robbie. "You know it, Mirror," he said, wiggling his mustache. "How is everything at home?"

I shrugged. "Usual, hating the cold. Anything new?"

"Royalty from Erinshire is here," he took a sip from his coffee. "Erinshire is a country in East Europe, somewhere close to Germany," he added, catching my confused look. "It's a nice place, just not really important."

"Have you been?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He grunted and nodded. He had this far away look that he usually got with guilt riding in his eyes when he thought about whatever. He shook his head and sighed, clearing him of his depressing thoughts. "It doesn't matter. Get me my food, Woman. I am hungry." He winked, when I scoffed.

"Be hungry then," I shot back, and he laughed. I walked away, shuddering. I didn't know why, but I was sure that my life was about to change. I didn't know if I was going to enjoy it or not. 

Rags to Riches. Really? (1st book of Really? Series)Where stories live. Discover now