Chapter 25

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"And this is your room, Your Highness," Annabella said when we entered a grand bedroom with two ladies standing at attention in the middle of the room. She gestured to them, and they moved a bit forward and curtsied in front of me while they dipped her head. "They are your lady-in-waiting and are to wait on you as well as being at your beck and call."

I looked at them and then looked at Annabella, wary of the two new people in my new room. I.; had my hand tight on the handle of the bag and didn't know what to do. My whole body was tense because I was not used to having people wait on me.

One of them, a tall lanky brown-haired female, stepped forward and curtsied while she dipped her head, and I looked at them with lips pressed into a thin line. "I am Suzie," she said softly. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Your Highness."

I gripped my bag tighter while I looked at them before I looked at Annabella and then I looked at them again. "It's... um..." I cleared my throat and shifted on my feet, not knowing how to respond to that. "It's just Mira," I said, finally, my voice barely above a whisper. "Please, no titles. It's... not something that I'm used to."

"You will have to get used to that, Your Highness," Annabella said, not looking up from her tablet. "The other is Beverly. She is mute, but she will be able to do what you need her to do."

I held back an eye roll and scowled before I looked at the other female that curtsied. 'Can you speak in American Sign Language?' I asked, and her eyes lit up while she nodded.

'Yes,' she said, excitedly. 'How do you know how to speak like that? Why do you know how to do it? Who taug-'

Suzie nudged Beverly in the ribs to silence her, and Beverly stopped and clasped her hands together in front of her. "Our apologies, Your Highness," she said before she curtsied again. "She got carried away and was excited."

'We can talk later when the old hag leaves,' I said, and they bit their lips to cover up a laugh. "I do insist on not being called "Your Highness," at least for the time being, please. Especially since you both are dressed better than me." I gestured to my clothes, and they looked at them before they looked at me.

Beverly's eyes grew softer while she looked at me. 'Wh-'

Suzie stopped Beverly from saying something and cleared her throat. "Of course, Your Highness," she said. She cleared her throat again and shifted on her feet. "There are new clothes in the closet. Shall we show them to you?"

I nodded. "Please," I said. "Will you be able to show me where my siblings are staying, as well?" I asked. "I want to know where they are and make sure that the-"

There was a rapid knock on my door, and Annabella looked up from her tablet, nervous, and her eyes grew wide.

I held back an eye roll and walked to the door, scowling. I ignored Annabella's warning and opened it because I knew who was knocking at my door.

"Mira!" my siblings exclaimed happily, and I relaxed slightly to see that they were alive and well.

I counted their heads to make sure that everyone was there before I moved out of the way and gestured for them to come in.

They filed in, each one of them talking over the other and talking a mile a minute.

It was enough to give me a headache, and I was sure that the others were stunned and shocked in silence.

"Have you seen the closet yet?"

"Have you seen the bathroom?"

"Have you tried out the bed?"

"Look, we don't have to wear coats indoors anymore."

"There are new shoes in the closet."

"We get to have unlimited snacks."

"You don't have to give up any meals for us."


"Ok!" I exclaimed, my voice a little louder than theirs so that they could hear me over their constant chatter. "Enough." I signed the last part, and they instantly went quiet and stared at me with wide, excited eyes.

"Oh, Dear," Annabella said, shocked, and I had a feeling she just realized what it would be like to have five young children living here when there hadn't been anyone before them.

"Sorry," I said and grimaced, feeling bashful and nervous that they had been so loud and not respectful. "They're not usually this loud and excited, but everything is new to them."

'And different,' Georige signed, not saying a word.


"He said, 'and different,'" I said when Annabella stopped talking, shocked. "If they get too loud or something at home, then I either yell like that and sign or just stare at them until they get silent. Then we just sign with each other for a while."

"Why would you sign?" Suzie asked. She blushed and ducked her head close to her chest when we all looked at her. "My apologies, Your Highness," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I shouldn't have spo-"

I raised my hand and silenced her. "It's ok," I said. "I don't mind." I paused and cleared my throat while I shifted on my feet while I grew serious. "Our "mother" isn't that good of a person, and there were times when she'd come out of her room and just yell at us if we made too much noise."

I looked at my siblings. "If you actually behave this time, then you all can speak. If not, then you can keep signing. I understand everyone's excitement, but we have to keep it civil. Understood?"

They nodded.

"Ok, now, who is wanting to talk first? I didn't get all of your questions because you all were talking over each other."

"I'll go first," River said and raised her hand, and I looked at her. "Can you see that we don't have to wear jackets inside?" She twisted around to show that she was only in a shirt and pants. "Or multiple layers like normal?"

"I see," I said and nodded, feeling slightly relieved. "How does it feel?"


"Have you seen the bathroom yet?" Micah asked. "There is a huge shower there, and it runs hot water all the time." His eyes grew wide, and he looked shocked and amazed. "Can you imagine that?"

"I have not seen the bathroom yet. I hadn't done that much except for meeting them and then having you knock on the door excitedly," I said, gesturing to both Suzie and Beverly. "Also, they're Suzie and Beverly. Suzie, Beverly, they are Georgie, River, Micah, Eliza, and Jenny. Jenny is the youngest."

"And, I am not to be confused with her friend, who is also named Jenny," Jenny said while she grinned. "She normally goes by JenJen and Jennifer anyway, but still." She shrugged.

They curtsied, and Suzie muttered a quick "how do you do?"

My siblings looked at them weirdly before they looked at me. "Is that going to happen from now on?" Georgie asked, and I knew he was talking about them curtsying. "Is there a way for them to... you know, not do it?"

I bit back a grimace and shrugged. "I don't know," I admitted. "I don't know."

Rags to Riches. Really? (1st book of Really? Series)Where stories live. Discover now