Chapter 43: Once upon an escape in the Kyrie Kingdom-the end.

Start from the beginning

My instinct tells me that you are saying the truth, but you are still making a heavy smile...while holding my hand tightly.

Yes...telling me that story would still make some of those feelings come back even for a little bit.

Right, Erevain?

Aaah, such a precious and righteous heroine...

Then, the only thing I can do is give you a warm expression.


Right! Everyone else is here!

I personally do not care, but Erevain lets go of my hand quite quickly when she notices that.

"Ahhh! Come on! Way to ruin the moment just because you're jealous, Gabrielle!"

"My goodness, whatever do you mean? Can you say that again?"

"Eeek! Mika protect me!"

"Eh?! W-What are you saying you idio—?! Wait, do-don't try to hide under my cape!!"


Gabrielle shot quite the scary look at Lucy without breaking her smiling ojou-sama expression for a second.

There goes another name to the list of people I do not want to make mad.

Current #1 place is taken by Nerinne, of course.

"Oh my, why are you saying that dear~~? I am but a simple Goddess full of love, not someone to fear, right, dear~~?"

Hahaha...did I say that? I meant #1 in my heart and soul, of course!

"Fufufu~~I am glad to know that, my dear. You too hold that place in mine."

My heart can't take all these sudden changes from fear to love...




There is still a part of the story I want to hear though.

One that is obviously missing.

What happened after the battle? How did they manage to save Erevain and hide in the forest?

"Is My Lord wondering about what happened after I fell?"

I widen my eyes immediately in surprise to Erevain's comment.

She is really good at reading me in these types of moments or do I become that easy to read?

"Hmp—*cough*! Indeed, it is something that has been on my mind."


"Then, please My Master, let me and Erica tell you what happened in the battlefield and the palace. And, of course, about how we ended up in exile."

Says Gabrielle while softly putting her right hand on her chest and lowering her head, showing that it would be an honor to do so.

Something that Erica does as well.

"Very well but be quick about it."

"As you wish, Master. Please Gabrielle tell your part first."

Says Erica with a polite tone.

"Worry not, My Master. This is more of an epilogue to the story than another chapter if we were to put it in literary terms."

Ahh...Gabrielle really knows how to push all my right buttons when it comes to an ojou-sama type, and not only with the way she talks, but in the way she acts in general...

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Where stories live. Discover now