A New Beginning

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It has been almost 1 year since my little sister, Bella, died. She died in a car crash when she was 15. Today, she would have been 16. Ugh, I miss her so much. It's unbearable. My dad, he drank a lot, and he happened to be drinking that day, when he was driving us to get fast food. Then we crashed. And, well you know the rest. I live with my mom now. My dad is is jail for drinking and driving. Life sucks.

"Katie!" I heard my mom screaming my name as I woke up. I stretched as I said "What?" I yelled back as I settled back down in my bed. "Breakfast!" Yum, I could smell the coffee and bacon. "I'll be right down," I replied. I came down the stairs to see my mom setting the table. "Do you need any help, mom?" She didn't reply. We both knew what was wrong. It was Bella's birthday. But I've had enough. It's time for a new beginning.

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