Chapter 21 - A Messed Up Sparkplug

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"I don't know, but he's been acting weird since the Autobots rescued him from the Decepticons." Vaughan realized. 

"Maybe he's just a little shaken up, and he's just working on the 'Bots to not think about the situation." Spike suggested. 

Vaughan watched her uncle cautiously as he walked up onto a platform that lifted him to up Optimus Prime's shoulder. It didn't look like Optimus sustained too bad of damage. In fact before Sparkplug got to work on him, he looked perfectly fine! But when Ratchet noticed what Sparkplug was doing, he nearly pulled a vessel.

"Prime's circuits are fine Sparkplug!" He assured. "I told you I fixed him didn't I?"

"I'm a mechanic! I know what I'm doing." said Sparkplug with a low growl.

Vaughan had ever seen Sparkplug act like this before. He had to be acting that way because of that microchip he had on. But what exactly was it making him do? Repair Autobots willy nilly? Make him angry? Vaughan couldn't put her finger on it. 

Just as she was about to speak up and try to say something to Sparkplug, a purple laser beam came flying out of nowhere, hitting Optimus in the chest and sending slamming into a wall. 

"Decepticons attack!"

Vaughan whipped around and gasped in complete horror when she saw the mighty form of Megatron. He had made a hole in the wall of the base, his firing tube of his cannon was smoking as he grinned at the sight of the fallen Prime. 

"Spare no one!" He commanded as his Decepticon forces stormed tha base. 

Bumblebee ran over, scooping up Vaughan before she got into any serious trouble with the Decepticons as they two of them and Spike took off running. 

"How did they get in here?!" Spike asked with shock. 

"Teletraan-1 must have blown his beta biog." Bumblebee huffed as he got the two teens far enough from the action so they wouldn't be harmed. He hid them behind a system unit near Teletraan-1, setting Vaughan down gently next to her cousin.

"Stay here you two, this could get ugly." He ordered as he ran back into the fight to help his friends. 

Vaughan peeked over the unit as she set her eyes on Optimus who slowly got up to a kneeling position, grabbing his gun as he aimed it at the wave of Decepticons. But something was wrong. He couldn't fire his weapon. None of the Autobots could. When they tried to, this strange burst of electrical static covered their hands. 

Did Sparkplug do that?

"What's going on?!" Prowl yelled. 

"The destruction of your breed Autobots!" Megatron snarled as he fired a series of shots. 

With the Decepticons moving in, Bumblebee ran back to the teens, trying to get the humans to new spot for safety. But one of Megatron's blasts was heading their way as he took them in his hands, dropping to the floor as the shot just missed them, barely. The shot blew up the floor right in front of Bumblebee's head. Vaughan shielded herself until the smoke cleared, Bumblebee releasing his human friends. 

"You two, get to Teletraan-1. Now!" Bumblebee commanded. 

The two nodded in reply, taking off to the Autobots main computer. As they ran, Spike tripped on something on the floor. "Spike!" Vaughan stopped, running back for her younger cousin. As she helped him up, Spike took notice that he didn't trip himself from the floor. He tripped on something that was ON the floor. 

It was a wrench. But not just any wrench. 

"Hey! This is dad's wrench." Spike realized.

Vaughan looked over to the side to see that the main panel to Teletraan-1's circuitry was open and a few wires were cut out and a few bolts were missing. 

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