"Kid! Come on!"

But just as the floor was giving way, I'm 5 meters from the door, I know I won't make it. I throw the kids out the door as I plummet two the fiery abyss below.


Rai's Point Of View

I blink. A hundred times. But each time, the result was the same. Three kids, two girls and a boy, lying on the ground coughing and crying. But there was no Henry. Because Henry had just possibly sacrificed himself for three kids.

Henry was down in the basement where the fire was the worst.

"Kid." I say. "Kid!" I yell.

I run towards the building.

A pair of arms pull me back.

"Captain Man, you can't go in there. It's very unstable!" A fireman orders.

"My kid's in there! Kid Danger is in there! I'm indestructible! I'll be fine!" I yell. He lets me go as I leap into the fiery building.

I jump down into the fiery basement. Immediately I see Henry sweating, caked in smoke, leaning against the wall. He was gingering a oddly contorted hand, which had to be broken. A long burn dragged from his right temple to a quarter of his neck.

"Kid!" I yell. I rush over to him.

He slowly looks up to me. Though he seems disoriented. He was wheezing and panting from the smoke.

"R-Rai?" He chokes out.

"Ya Kid. I'm gonna get you out of here. Just try to relax."

"Rai, there was a fire." He says weakly.

"I know Kid. You're still in the fire." I say. He has to have a concussion.

"The kids, did they get out?"

"Ya Kid, they're fine."

"Rai, what are we doing in a basement?"

"You fell."

"My hand kind of hurts."

"Ya? It's broken." I say. I pull him into my arms, bridal style.


"Ya Kid?"

"It's getting really hard to breathe." He says meekly.

"I'm getting you out of here. Don't worry." I say as I climb the crumbling steps. We're almost to the top.

Almost like fate had wanted Henry to live, as soon as we are out of the building, the school collapses.

"I need a medic!" I yell.

Three paramedics come running with a stretcher and an oxygen tank.

They pull him from my arms and place him on the stretcher. They place an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose.

I run along with him.

"You're going to be ok Kid!" I promise. "You're going to be ok!"

- time skip -

Henry's Point Of View

When I wake up, I'm greeted with the bright lights of the Man Cave.

"Rai?" I croak out, seeing Rai, Charlotte, Jasper and Schwoz, sitting on the couch and in the wheely chair. "Char, Jasper, Schwoz?"

They jump up.

"Henry? How do you feel?" Charlotte asks.

"Like hell." I say.

The give me small smiles.

"What, what happened?" I ask.

"There was a fire Kid. You were almost out but the floor came down. You got the kids out though. When I found you, you had a concussion, a broken hand and a major burn on the side of your face."

"I do?" I ask.

"Ya Kid, Schwoz healed it through with his burn cream. Your hand should be healed in about 6 weeks. Our cover is, you lot and I are going camping tonight, you fell in the fire, breaking your hand and burning yourself. Ok?"

I nod. "Rai remember paramedics. Did I go to the hospital?"

"No. They gave you oxygen but I took you back here."

I nod. I trace my fingers over the scar on my face and neck.

"It's really not bad. It makes you look tough actually." Jasper pipes in. I smile at him.

With my story taken care of and injuries dealt with, we relax and watch movies for the rest of the night. Just being friends.

I have anxiety about fire now, but I'm taking anxiety medication for it. We reached out to Peggy, Harry, Nat, Meredith and Luke. They were all ok. Thanks to me protecting them, they got out without a burn.

Their school sent me a basket of chocolate, candy, teddy bears, flowers and a photo of Meredith, Nat, Harry, Luke and Peggy.

I've never been more proud of myself and I visited them in the hospital they were staying at for smoke inhalation. So did Rai.

And though I could have died that afternoon, seeing their smiling faces, made it all worth it.

Ok mates! That's out. Of course I'm still taking requests. I hope you liked it. 

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