"Hen, incoming video call."

"K, just block our side."

"On it." Charlotte responds

Suddenly a man with a black mask over his mouth that kind of looked like a surgeons mask, appeared on screen.

"Hell0 Kid Danger. I notice you weren't with Captain Man today. Now why is that?"

"Non of your business." I snap. "Why are you calling?"

"Now Kid Danger, there's no reason to be rude. But if you must know, I have your boss." The thug moved to the left revealing Rai tied to a chair with metal cuffs and a gag in his mouth.

"Captain Man!" I shout.

"That's right." Now if you ever want to see your friend again, I suggest you come fight us like a real man. And yes, we know he's indestructible but we've developed bullets that can kill him. Choose wisely."

Rai frantically shakes his head. Fear and worry fill his eyes.

"I'll be there." I say defiantly. The video shuts off.

"Henry, if you go there, first they're going to kill you, then Rai's going to kill you for disobeying him." Jasper says.

"I have to agree." Charlotte says.

"Yah." Schwoz says.

"Didn't you hear what that guy said. They're going to kill Rai if I don't go." I argue back.

Charlotte sighs. "Is there no way we're going to stop you?"

I shake my head no.

"Ok Henry, just, be safe." Charlotte says. I nod. 

I blow a bubble and instantly change into Kid Danger. "Wish me luck." I say.

They nod as I zoom up the tubes.

- time skip -

Once I'd mapped the coordinates to where the call came from, I drive quickly to that spot.

I kick down the door of the warehouse to find Rai alone in the middle, cuffed to a chair.

I run towards him but the man with the mask beats me to him.

"Afternoon Kid Danger." He says the with gun to Rai's head. "Now, I do believe we had a deal. You beat all of us, and we don't kill him."

I nod as he lowers his gun.

Rai spits out his gag.

"Kid! Get out of here! I'll be fine."

"They'll kill you. I can't."

"Kid, forget about me. Your too young to fight them."

"I'm not a baby. And if you die all be all alone."

"Kid please."

"Sorry Cap." I say apologetically. "But I can't lose you." I throw a punch at the first guy. It hits him in the nose.

Suddenly 4 more goons come out of the shadows.

I slam my elbow against a guys face. He's knocked out.

I move on to the next two guys.

We engage in a dangerous dance while Rai begs me to leave him.

Once they're down. Rai's eyes start to fill with pride.

As I begin fighting the other two, Rai calls out tips and warnings, he was actually cheering for me.

Once it's only the leader left, I feel pride start bubbling up in me. I flip him onto his back and stomp on his nose. He grunts as I kick him in the side of the head, knocking him out.

"Kid! You did it!" Rai cheers.

"Always the tone of surprise." I joke before burning off the metal cuffs with a higher setting on my laser.

Rai leaps up and pulls me into a hug.

"Rai, you're squishing me." I wheeze.

Rai let's go and stares at me.

"I'm sorry Kid. Sometimes when I look at you, all I see is the scrawny, small 13 year old. I guess I just don't realize that you're becoming an adult. You're hardly even a kid anymore. We should call your Captain Danger."

I smile slightly.

"I'll stick with Kid Danger until you retire." I say.

Rai nods before pulling me back into a hug.

I know I'm not a kid anymore, but I'm not yet an adult, but sometimes it takes proving that you are strong enough to others, to make it true.

But when I made the decision to stay to protect Rai, I understood his reasoning for wanting to protect me.

Maybe being a kid isn't too bad.

Hey guys! Baby is out. I hope you liked it, sorry for so much fluff, this was for @Tyrus4life
I hope you liked it.

Henry Danger OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now