Since she moved here I felt something in her, something in the air surrounding her figure.

I wouldn't call it 'love at first sight' but all the time we spent together had made me realize that I feel something for her. Even after this short time.

I should probably say that to her, all of that and more but I can't bring mysef to tell those things.

Before it's too late I want to at least pour my heart out with all the emotions.

Because I know everything will end one day.

It's a rule for a few ghosts: once you solve your life problems, you will vanish from the real world and go to the other side or return in your original form if you found some ideal conditions.

That's what you hear before waking up in the form of a ghost.

"I....". I was about to say it but I snapped out of my thoughts and stood up, my head was hurting.

She looked at me with a confused look.

'She probably won't understand right? She won't believe me, nobody ever believed me'. I thought, taking a step back.

"It's nothing, I forgot what I was about to say.". I answered her putting on a little smile, to cover my mixed feelings, and ruffled my head to show her nothing was wrong.

Suddendly I couldn't hear anything, not even Y/N's voice. Only a high pitched sound that made close my eyes.

Everything was spinning around me, I could feel my body getting colder than usual and then I vanished without knowing it.

Y/N's pov

"Tell me when- Minghao? Your body is getting more transparent.". I raised a bit my voice out of shock but it seemed like he couldn't hear me.

As I was calling out for him again, his figure just vanished in thin air and I was left there speechless.

I got up and ran to the bedroom, but he wasn't there. I rushed in every room but no sign of him.

"What the hell?". I exclaimed in the kitchen. This had never happened before.

Out of the blue someone rang the doorbell and I jumped frightened, my hand hitting hard by accident the cabinet on my right.

I held and massaged the back of my hand as I walked to the door, opening it slightly.

A man in his 60s was standing there. He was very elegant and charming, with white hair perfectly pulled back and a white button-up under a dark blue gilet that was paired with refined velvet trousers of the same color.

His jacket and little papillion made him look like someone rich who wouldn't be coming here.

"Goodmorning, can I help you..?".

He straightened his back and bowed his head a little in a polite way, one hand on his chest and the other on his back. He was also wearing white gloves.

"Goodmorning miss Y/N, I'm Seojun Kang. I am the butler of the Xu family. It's a pleasure to meet her.". His calm voice relaxed me.

"Nice to meet you too, uhm...".

"Oh, I'm here about Minghao. You don't have to worry, I know about his special condition.". He looked around. "I also know that some men barged in her house. I'm sorry I couldn't help but Master Junseo kept me busy and I found time to come only now.".

I let him in since he seemed not a bad person. He couldn't be a judo expert or a spy of those men, could he?

"Wait, Junseo is Minghao's brother...? Does he have something to do with those creeps who entered and messed up my apartment?". I asked as he sat down and took of his gloves.

"Yes, I can't say much, but he sent them here for... some unfinished business with Minghao. I heard them talk before they came here and I think they weren't after you miss, or well not exactly. But your presence here complicated things because Master Junseo seemed nervous when they called him.". He answered looking around.

"Mister Kang-".

"You can just call me Seojun" He smiled softly at which I nodded.

"So, Seojun, what is all of this? What really happened in the past? To Minghao?".

He clicked his tounge and sighed, like he was unsatisfied. "I'm very sorry, but I can't say anything else, however I'll try to help you with this now that you're involved.".

"And you know Minghao?". I asked.

His face lit up. "Yes, I knew him since he was a kid. I'd been his mentor since he was home schooled and I've been the one he relied on the most, I suppose."

He stopped and looked around at the furniture. I realized I forgot something.

"Oh my, I didn't ask you if you would like some coffee or tea!". I got up. "I'm so stupid.".

"I would love some tea thanks, I just came here suddendly and told you all of these so I bet you would still be shocked and confused!". He chuckled with his hand in front of his mouth.

"I'll be right back!". I walked to the kitchen and took out the tea and two cups.

This will be interesting.

the roommate ;xu minghaoWhere stories live. Discover now