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It was well after midday when I woke up, there were still no calls or texts from
Yn but that didn't matter because it was past midday and I could hear the busyness of the house already. I bolted out of bed, quickly brushed my teeth and then loped down the staircase.

I needed to know. I needed to know if I still had a chance.

As I neared the kitchen I stopped, Yoongi was inside talking to Seokjin and Taehyung it seemed.

"It was amazing getting to spend time her. I don't think I've ever been so happy," he sighed and I could hear the smile in it.

"So you guys are official now?" Taehyung asked.

"You must be after a romantic get away like that," Jin added.

"No. She asked me to be her boyfriend and I would have liked nothing more than to have said yes but I couldn't. She has to speak to Jimin first. It's only fair."

She'd asked him out. There wasn't a chance for me anymore. Despite that heartbreaking thought I reminded myself of Namjoon's advice. I should be happy that she is happy. I stepped into the kitchen then and cleared my throat so that Yoongi would turn around.

"Can we talk?" I asked lowly and he nodded.

"I think we need to," he agreed and then Jin and Tae got up from their stools.

"We'll give you guys some space," Jin nodded meaningfully at us both and then they were gone and I replaced Tae's presence at the breakfast bar.

"I want to say sorry for everything, hyung. I acted so childishly and I shouldn't have. Not when I was doing the things I was behind Yn's back." I told him honestly and he remained stoic while nodding.

"You really hurt her Jimin, I hope you know that. She really did love you, as much as that hurts me to say and I bet deep down she'll always love you in her own way but things are different now. You know that right?" He explained carefully and I nodded while looking down at my hands on the marble top.

"I know. I heard you say she asked you out. Why didn't you say yes? It's you she wants to be with."

"Because you need closure. Sorry but I can't stand the thought of you pining after her while we're together. By all means when we aren't but just know that as soon as you sort things out with her today I'm asking her to be my girlfriend and whether she knows it right now or not that is a lifelong commitment."

I stared dumbly for a moment and then it hit me. Yoongi really did love Yn, possibly for longer than I had. If there was anyone who was worthy of her love it was him.

"If she rejects me today that will be the end of it," I nodded while standing up. "But by the way I'm still her best friend and if you ever hurt her... well you don't want to know what I'll do to you," I warned him and he smirked.

"That won't happen," he denied and with that I made my way to the door to get ready.

"Oh and one more thing," I started off, turning around to look at him again. "I know the whole Amy situation wasn't your fault. She was the one who lied to you, you didn't know."

"I'm sorry for that, I should never-"

"I forgive you," I smiled slightly and he returned it with a not.


You can do this, this is the final piece of the puzzle.

I knocked on Yn's door gently and then stood back half a step. I could hear movement in the apartment and then the door was opened.

"Jimin?" She looked shocked to see me and I nodded sheepishly while stuffing my hands into my pockets.

"Can I come in? I have something to tell you." She took a moment to think about her answer, clearly she remembered our last encounter; how could she not. But she nodded slowly and stepped to the side to let me in. "Thanks."

"It's okay," she mumbled and I could tell she was nervous. "Uhm... the living room," she mumbled to herself while leading the way.

She was really nervous, I felt bad.

"So," she started off once we were both sat on her sofa.

"I'm happy you and Yoongi are getting together, he really likes you and I know you like him as well."

"He told you that?" She asked quietly and I smiled gently.

"He told me he had to turn you down because of me, but I can just sense that you guys will be happy together. I just had to tell you one thing before I stay back forever."

"Forever?" She questioned worriedly and I nodded.

"At least romantically. You're my best friend, you're never getting rid of me," she cracked a smile and then looked at her lap. "But I need you to know that I love you too. I should have told you when I realized it years ago but I was stupid and I buried those feelings in the worst kind of way. I hope you can forgive me for the pain I caused you."

"Of course," she breathed and then she reached for my hand and squeezed it. "You're my best friend, no one can mean as much to me as you do, you've always been there for me."

"Thank you," I croaked and she pulled me in for a hug. "It's funny how things turn out huh?" I mumbled idly with my head comfortably laid on her shoulder.

"It is, but in the end we'll both find happiness," she assured.

"You've found yours, I'm sure I'll find mine soon too," although I didn't believe it I was going to remain optimistic, maybe that would help.

In my pocket I felt my phone buzz, most likely a text from Yoongi so I fished the device out and checked it discreetly.

Yoongi-hyung: You done yet? [1:57pm]

Clearly he was getting impatient.

You: She's all yours. I'm leaving now. [1:58pm]

"Hey, I need to go, I've got a test to study for but we'll hand out soon properly, yeah?" I was up on the next second and she sent me a small smile as we walked to her door.

"I'd really like that," she agreed and then she pulled me in for one last hug. "Drive safe!" I rolled my eyes and waved back on the way out.

Once I'd made it out of the main doors I noticed Yoongi's car parked and quickly made my way over. Thought the window I could see his nervousness so I smiled softly and knocked on the window so that he'd lower it.

"It's good, go make her day," I told him and he let out a pent up breath.

"Oh thank god," he murmured then looked up. "I mean sorry man," I laughed at than and then stepped back.

"Just go get your girl," I shook my hair free of the snow and then walked to my car.

"As long as you're happy Yn," I said to no one in particular.

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