Unspeakable Demands

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The next day while walking through campus you felt sickeningly exposed.

Like everyone knew about Jimin except you and they were all laughing at you for being so naïve; even if no one spared you more glances than usual. It was still enough to make you pull your hood up and keep your head down. Luckily for you you didn't have any classes with Jimin today which meant you could avoid him for a little longer to sort out your head.

It was in the lunch hall when you reached the front of the queue and picked up a cup of lentil soup along with a roll and the pre portioned rice and beef that you heard someone calling your name.

You whipped your head around to chase the sound and locate it's source but you saw no one of any familiarity, chalking it up to your imagination you carried your tray to a random bench on any one of the long tables.

Usually, you'd sit outside and watch the wildlife on the other side of the campus fence while eating but in the course of the last few hours it had began to snow which left a light layer of frost on the grass. While you half paid attention to where you were going your tray was lifted out of your hands and a handsome face invade your vision.

"Earth to Yn," the brunette with the thick lips smiled widely and you desperately searched your mind for his name, recognizing him as one of Yoongi and Jimin's frat brothers.

"Oh! Seokjin, right?" You tried nervously and he gave you an award winning smile.

"The one and only, but call me Jin, why don't you join us for lunch?"

"Us?" You questioned cautiously while hurriedly trying to catch up with his confident strides.

"Yeah, me, Yoongi and Taehyung got a good table by the heaters. I'm sure there's room to squeeze you in." He didn't exactly give you any room to argue so you simply followed his lead until he came to stand in front of a circular table.

"Guys I brought a present," with an arm draped around your shoulder, he moved you to stand beside him and Yoongi stared at you until a warmth took over his cheeks and he had to look away.

"Uhm, hi, I'm Yn," you introduced yourself to the long haired brunette sat beside Yoongi and he grinned boxily then extended his hand once you'd sat.

"Taehyung, it's lovely to meet you Yn I've heard loa— Ow!" The boy sent a hurt look over to Yoongi and you giggled.

"Thanks for letting me sit with you all," you smiled then reached for your paper dish holding the rice and beef. You licked your lips while eyeing the piled until a pair of chopsticks invaded the gorgeous sight and took a slice of beef.

"Hey!" You complained and Jin grinned while chewing on the morsel of doubtlessly beautifully flavored meat.

"Payment for having to collect you," he reasoned.

"You have your own," you pointed out and then Yoongi reached across the table with his own chopsticks and took a slice of beef to put back on your dish.

"Leave the poor girl alone, you're going to scare her away," Yoongi muttered as he settled back with an arm over the back of your chair.

The position made you a little nervous since it made it look to everyone else like you must have been dating; a thought you hadn't really had about anyone else other than your best friend until recently. Even more so last night when Yoongi confessed his feelings towards you and casually mentioned that if given the chance he'd give you the world.

It put you on edge in a way that had your stomach doing flips—
but in a good way.

"You wouldn't want that now would you, Yoongi hyung?" Taehyung teased his brother and you glanced over at him while he staked his younger with a death glare.

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