In The Air Of The Night

356 18 20

You climbed into Yoongi's black car a little awkwardly, legs pressed together tightly and hands sandwiched between your thighs in order to fight off the chill from your concrete building and the outside. Noticing this Yoongi reached forward and turned up the heat a little.

"You should feel a little warmer in a minute," he assured you gently before maneuvering away from the curb to join the main roads in your part of town.

"Thank you," you mumbled quietly and he glanced in your direction.

"Actually, I should be thanking you. I know that Jimin probably warmed you to keep away from me but... you're giving me a chance to explain myself."

"Should I not?"

"I'm glad you are, most people would listen to their best friend," he shrugged as he pulled into a spot in front of your colleges local diner.

A strangely popular location you acknowledged.

"Well he's not given me much reason to listen to him as of late," you mumbled and he gave you an almost sad look before exiting the vehicle; it was as if he didn't believe you deserved to go through what you did yesterday evening.

While you pondered on that particular look he gave you, he came to open your door for you, he smiled sweetly and held his hand out to help you out of the car. You blushed while he helped you out and then interlaced your fingers as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

"Have you eaten?" He asked tentatively as he lead you across the small sandy carpark to the neon light building.

"No, not yet," you shook your head and he smiled brightly when he held the door open for you.

"Perfect." Yoongi lead you both to a booth with a view of the carpark and handed you a menu from the end of the table. "Get whatever you're hungry for, darling."

You looked at him for a moment to see how serious he was but considering he was completely enthralled by the contents of his own menu, you figured he meant it and wasn't just saying it to be polite. Still though, you kept your eyes to something a little cheaper; it wasn't your money so you felt bad spending it.

"Good evening, you guys ready to— oh, Yoongi? Could've text you were coming, you know?" You looked up at the waiter when he replaced his scripted sentence with something way more informal.

"My bad, it was last minute," he told the guy who looked to be a few years older. You grew shy and fiddled with your sleeves in your lap. You didn't bother listening into their conversation until you heard your name. "This is my date, Yn."

You stared at Yoongi with wide eyes while he looked back with a gummy grin.

"It's nice to see this one bring a girl here, the closest he's gotten is our mom," the older guy laughed and it was reminiscent of Yoongi's. You chuckled at the boys expense until he was blushing and half-heartedly shoving, who you now knew was, his brother away.

"Dude, stop," he deadpanned and you bit back your grin.

"Okay, okay! Sorry, what can I get you guys?" Yoongi glanced skyward before looking at you to let you answer first.

"Can I have a glass of water and some Mac n cheese?" You asked politely and your waiter nodded while scribbling the order down, next he tuned to Yoongi and waited for his order.

"Uhm, I'll have a cheese burger and a coke, get us a coffee and a hot chocolate too thanks."

Once his brother left, Yoongi took your menu and put it back in the holder along with his.

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