Bitter and Sweet

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"What's up with your face?" He asked you with a raised brow and you gulped, bringing the backs of your hands to your cheeks.

"N-nothing, it's cold that's all," you answered maybe a little too quickly because Jimin creased his brow while looking you up and down.

"You just go to the gym or something?"

"Yeah," you nodded and then began walking to your room to put your bag down and find clothes for after your shower. "I thought I'd get a head start on my New Years resolution," you joked, trying your damn hardest to not sound as nervous as you felt.

After finding your fluffy pajama set you left Jimin in your living room to wash off the chill on your skin.

You were glad Yoongi had declined your offer to come inside with you, you couldn't even begin to imagine how badly that situation would go down. You sighed and shut off the water, changed into your pajamas and then met Jimin in your living room.

He laid sprawled out on your tiny sofa, fluffy blanket over his lap while he watched a comedy on tv.

"Finally," he drawled and then held the blanket up so that you could settle down beside him.

Usually, cuddling up how you were would have your stomach in knots and you'd have a hard time focusing on the tv when he began absentmindedly stroking up and down your arm but now when Jimin did just that, it had no affect on you and your mind wandered back to your afternoon with Yoongi instead.

You felt so on edge with Jimin's arm wrapped around you and your head on his chest but thankfully he didn't seem to notice your tenseness.

"I'm sorry for acting like an asshole yesterday," he sighed while the credits rolled. You zoned back in from the unimaginable softness of Yoongi's lips and jumped a little at the sound of your best friends voice.

"What was that?"

"I said I was sorry for acting like an ass yesterday."

"Uh— huh," you nodded for him to continue. Maybe he'd finally tell you the truth.

"It's just that Yoongi isn't the right guy for you, you're an amazing girl and you deserve to be treated like royalty. I've known Yoongi hyung for years and now that I live with him I know what he's like," he explained and you stared at him.

He'd just lied to you, straight to your face. Deciding to try the waters with him, you shuffled up to sit with your legs crossed and looked him straight on.

"Why is it you don't like him?" If he was being truthful he'd tell you about Amy, there was no other reason for his distaste towards the boy.

"He sleeps around, you know I can't stand a guy who just throws girls to the side when he's done with them," your heart dropped a little and you nodded slowly.

The irony of it wasn't lost on you.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly while checking the temperature of your forehead. "You look a little pale," if this scenario had played out just four days ago you would have asked your best friend to stay with you but seeing an opportunity you hummed in response.

"I think that walk home must have gotten to me, you don't mind if I go lay down do you?"

"No, go ahead. Do you want me to make you something to eat? Maybe I could make you a chicken soup, I know that's your favourite."

"N-No it's alright," you shook your head and stood up, leaving him no choice but to follow you to the front door. "It was good seeing you," you told him while urging him out of the door.

"Yeah, you too. I'll see you tomorrow," he tried and you nodded.

"I'm sure you will," he looked at you for a moment longer and then pulled you in for a hug.

"Get well soon," he mumbled before kissing the top of your head and the second you were able to, you shut the door in his face and stepped away from it.

After calming down your racing heart you ventured into your room to grab your phone.

Yoongi: I saw Jimin's car was pulled up just down the road. Did you guys talk? [5:20pm]

You sat yourself down on your bed and rung Yoongi's number which you'd gotten just earlier in the day.

"Hey baby, everything okay?" He asked with just the right amount of concern that it wasn't overbearing.

"He lied to me," you said softly and on the other end of the line he sighed.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, I just want to hear your voice right now," you mumbled with one cheek pressed into the pillow.

"That I can do," the smile in his voice made you smile slightly and you settled down with the phone now on loudspeaker beside you. There was a moment of quiet while he fiddled with some things nearby but then a soft melody began to play from a piano. "I'm not a vocalist so bear with me," he told you over the chords and you cracked a smile.

"I bet you sound amazing," you assured him, you quickly recognized the melody playing was a stripped version of the lyric-less song he'd shown you on Saturday night and it made your heart flutter.

This time however, you got to hear Yoongi's honey laced voice with the music. His voice was beautiful, smooth and deep and you stayed silent throughout the song so you wouldn't miss a word, leaving him to trail off at the end nervously.

"Yn?" He asked gently and you could hear the caution in every syllable.

"You sing really well," you told him gently and hoped that made him relax.

"I've been practicing with Jungkook, did you like the song?"

"It was beautiful," you told him honestly and he audibly exhaled.

Had he really been that nervous about your reaction? The fact he wanted to impress you made your heart soar.

"Will you play for me this weekend?" With the increased amount of time you'd been spending with Yoongi you were growing more and more excited for your weekend together.

"Anything you want."

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