Unsure and Untamed

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You peeled your heavy eyelids open to find yourself in an unfamiliar room. It was still dark thanks to the blackout curtains and you were surrounded by a scent and warmth you weren't used to. Your eyes quickly fell on Yoongi's sleeping face and you tried your hardest not to move or make a sound.

He looked peaceful with his head angled back on his pillows, one arm keeping you close to his side and the other resting on his stomach.

You took this time to study his features; his skin was pale, free from any imperfections, and the way he nailed his head made his sharp jaw all the more prominent. His lips were parted ever so slightly which made them dry out a little bit but they still were perfectly shaped and pouty. His eyelashes fanned out nicely and you had a strong urge to remove your hand from his chest and brush the tousled blonde strands away from his eyes but you suppressed it.

"Are you finished admiring me, princess?" You instantly blushed and retracted your hand and leg from his body.

"I wasn't— like, y'know, staring—" You gave up giving him an answer and instead sat up. The reality of the situation finally hit you and you groaned.

"Hm, you look good with bed head," Yoongi winked and you quickly smoothed down whatever mess was up there.

"I'm having a crisis don't point out my flaws right now it is not the time," you pouted and then tied your hair up into a messy bun. Yoongi just rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around your waist so that he could pull you back down into his warm embrace.

"There is no crisis you're a strong girl and you don't need assholes in your life," he tried to assure you while he stroked up and down your arm.

"He's not just some asshole Yoongi, he's my best friend." You sighed heavily. "I've liked him for almost my entire life."

"I know you liked him, I mean the whole school knows that you guys come as a two for one but maybe this is good?" You could tell by the way he spoke he was trying to tread carefully with his words. "You shouldn't spend your whole life pining after someone who doesn't even see what he's missing out on."

It wasn't that you didn't see where his advice was coming from, you just didn't want to. You didn't want to admit that the person you were in love with was never going to see you the same way. It felt humiliating.

"Maybe he isn't missing out on much," you suggested back with a sigh.

"Don't say that. He's missing out on a girl that's willing to give him the world, that's more than most have already." Yoongi was right, you'd do anything for Jimin and it was like he didn't even know. Instead of bouncing that idea around your head you snuggled a little closer to the comforting warmth that was Yoongi.

Right now he was what made things better.

A little while later Yoongi had convinced you into leaving the fortress, otherwise known as his room, and venturing downstairs for some breakfast before he drove you home.

You'd both taken turns in the shower and you'd been gifted a pair of his black boxers which were much more comfortable than the lace panties you usually wore, but other than that you were back in his sweater and shorts. A look you were more than happy to sport in a frat house full of good looking guys; you didn't need the boy drama, you decided you had enough already.

As you descended the stairs you began to get a little fidgety, you didn't want to be mistaken for one of Yoongi's conquests for staying the night.

"They won't think we, you know, will they?" You whispered when you reached the first floor. Yoongi simply chuckled and interlaced your fingers.

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