Keith:" I was so scared you would find out so kissed you on your neck,you know to make you feel good so you would listen to me.your gonna come back and live with me right"
Pepi POV
I was terrified,Keith was walking around speaking hella fast I couldn't hear a thing.

I cut him off
Pepi:"what did you do Keith!"

Keith:"Kendrick I killed him for more than just cheating on my sister with my ex"

Pepi:"Keith why you bringing this up"

Keith:"no no you don't get it"

I was silent

I grabbed his arm,sat him down on the bed and sat next to him.

Pepi:"breath explain"

Ryan walks in the room towards me and grabs my arm pulling me away from the bed

Ryan: "Keith whats going on?"

Keith was silent

Ryan looks at me


i didn't wanna start any trouble, so i started walking out

keith:"pepi"he called out
I turned to him
Keith:"stay i need to finish"

Ryan:"Keith if anything is going on you can speak to me"

Keith completely ignored her as if she wasn't there

I walked back over to him and Ryan pulled me to the bathroom

Ryan:"what the fuck is happening make him talk to me"

Bitch I ain't God what you want me to do?

Pepi:"just let us finish our conversation I promise I ain't tryna get with him or anything"

She kissed her teeth and walked over to Keith

Ryan:"baby?"she kissed his lip"bay?"

Am so confused why was he ignoring her?

Keith:"go home"

Ryan:"why?"she let a tear drop and quickly wiped it

Keith:"I need some time,to think"

Ryan:"bay,what I do?"

Keith:"it ain't you it's me"

Ryan kisses her teeth
Ryan:"did you really just use that line?..I ain't leaving"

Keith:"go Ryan"

Ryan:"no" she said softly while crying"why you being so weird all of a sudden"

At this point I just wanted to get out,i started walking over to the door.But Keith saw me

Keith:"pepi stop!stay just wait am coming"

Ryan grabbed Keith's face
Ryan:"Keith your killing me right now,why you trying to hurt me?"

He grabbed her arm and started literally dragging her

Keith:"get your stuff and go"


He dragged her out the room shutting the door in her face as she stood there crying at the top of her lungs.He got her suitcase packed and gave it to her.

He covered her mouth and said

Keith:"Ryan shush before someone comes"

He hugged her then let her go looking into her eyes.Then closed the door and came back into the room.

Hoewrecker 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora