Fourty four

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Pepi POV
Pepi:"look I really don't know what your talking about,am practically homeless right now I just thought I could live here before the new owners,which I know now is you and your daughter,moved in"

Saweetie:"you really don't know?"I shock my head no"wow,Keith is something else"

Pepi:"well can you tell me what happened cause am really confused right now"

She walked me over to her couch and told me everything

Saweetie POV

I was changing into my gym clothes when I heard I knock at my door.

I put on my leggings and sports bra then rushed down stairs expecting to see my friend Penelope but it was my ex keith.

He sort of pushed me then closes the door behind him.

Keith:"D you got me fucked up"

Saweetie:"for what telling the truth"

Keith:"she didn't need to know about Kendrick that shit is in my past,you know I ain't like that anymore"

Saweetie:"I don't care Keith,I went to jail for you,jail! do you know how hard that go into jail with people thinking am a murderer"

Keith:"I ain't ask you to do it"

Saweetie:"but you didn't stop me gladly let me do time for didn't even visit me once"

Keith:"next time don't cheat on me with my fucking sisters boyfriend"

Saweetie:"wow Keith just wow"my eyes started to water"you know what,Kendrick treated better than you ever did.i don't regret any of it and at the end of the day you will always have to live with the fact that you killed Keith powers are a murderer"

Keith grabbed my neck and pushed me against the wall.

Keith:"shut the fuck up!"he said sternly in my face

Saweetie:"what you gonna do,kill me to"

Keith looked at me with such hurt such confusion as if he was disgusted by my words.He let go of my neck.

Keith:"no D,wh why would you say know me killing Kendrick was out of my character"

Saweetie:"no it's not Keith,your anger gets the best of you sorry but it wasn't out of your character"

Keith:"is that what you really think of me?"

Saweetie:"well yes but i went to jail as my way of saying sorry for cheating.i though if I went,when I got out we would get back together.But I was told that you moved on.i wanted to be with you Keith no matter what flaws you had because you were perfect to me you were my Keith"

Keith:"so why did you cheat?"

Saweetie:"every time you seemed to get into a temper,I went to see Kendrick and he was just so sweet.he made me feel special"

Keith:"am sorry I made you feel like you weren't special to me,cause you were my first love.But I've moved on and you've gotta understand that.please don't contact pepi again,don't try contact Ryan either cause there both special to me and there apart of my new life.i don't wanna see you again,ever"

He walked over to the door

Saweetie:"why Keith? Why don't you wanna see me again"I was in tears,I still loved him deeply

Keith:"cause your a reminder of my past"

He closed the door and left.
End of flashback

Pepi POV
Saweetie:"from that day on I thought I would never see him again,I thought you or anyone associated with him would never be in contact with me,which is why you being here is so confusing to me because I know him and I know he would never let you come see me unless something was up"

Pepi:"look I really didn't know about all this,he has no idea am with you right may I ask,is your um daughter Keith's?"

Saweetie:"um no actually she's Kevin's"


Saweetie:"Kevin was the first to find out about me and Kendrick,him and Kendrick were best friends.he stayed in contact with me the whole time I was in jail and we began to catch feelings for one another,but I could tell he knew my plan was to get with Keith when I got out.He made sure to tell me Keith moved on,he made sure to tell Keith about the song I wrote about wanting him back because he knew that would get Keith's attention in negative way which I didn't know at the time I thought Keith would want me I think about it I think he's the one who told Keith about the picture I posted of him.Kevin's even the one who told me to tell you Keith killed Kendrick"

Pepi:" if Keith told you to stay away,why would you come live here"

Saweetie:"me,my best friend and my little sister work at a salon Kevin works at the barbershop next door,Audrey needs him around"

Pepi:"out of all the salons in the world and you choose to work in one so close to Keith"

Saweetie:"my best friends been working there for years,I was struggling to find work cause my music career was Failing and I was done being afraid of going certain place and not doing certain things just so I wouldn't ruin Keith's perfect life..well am guessing your over cause he's back with Ryan"


Saweetie:"I just assumed since he called her special to him and I could tell he still wanted her in his life in some way"

There was a long silence and I think she noticed that I was effected by her mentioning Ryan.

Saweetie:"so how old are you kids now"

Pepi:"20 there actually in college now"

Saweetie:"oh my gosh really am not looking forward to my baby girl getting to that age I ain't ready to let her go...look if you really don't have no where to go,you can stay here"


Saweetie:"for sure"

Me and Saweetie spent the whole day talking about absolutely anything,we really bonded am glad am not gonna be living here alone.

Hoewrecker 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora