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Kayton POV
We walked out the room and start talking
Payton:"are you alright bro"
Kayton:"yeah why wouldn't I be"
Payton:"well do you still have feelings for ranaye?"
Kayton:"well yeah those feelings don't just go away"
Payton:"but why didn't you get with her long ago when you had the chance?"
Kayton:"it ain't that easy,she's my best friend and I didn't know how she would take it...hey when did Jamal even start to be interested in Ranaye,he never use to like her before"
Payton:"it was probably around the time when she got titties and a fat ass"
I smack his back head
Kayton:"am serious man"
Payton:"alright alright"he says as his laugh fades"don't get mad at me though cause this was ages ago"
Kayton:"alright cool"
Payton:"so you know that day when Ranaye had her 7th birthday"
Kayton:"the one at Chucky cheese yeah"
Payton:"I kinda told him about your crush on Ranaye and Ever since then it's like he was plotting to get with her"
Kayton:"you told him?!"
Payton nods his head yes
Kayton:"what the fuck man...wait so that means he might not even like Ranaye he's just going out with her to make me mad?"
Payton :"um maybe but they did get together when he was like 16,so maybe he's caught feelings.I doubt he remembers what I told him when he was 7"

We walk into our shared dorm room and Payton gets straight to playing on the gaming console.
Kayton:"bro you know we have exams coming up?"
Payton:"yeah and I'll get the perfect grades without revision"
Kayton:"man what ever,we'll see"
I get to my bed and continue studying
Ranaye POV
Jamal was pounding himself in me,then I hear my phone ring.
Ranaye:"uhh babyy I need to get that uhh"
He doesn't reply he's just groaning in my ear
Ranaye:"baby it might uhh be my dad"
Jamal:"you can call him back later"
He turns me over so my heads down and my ass is up.

I was throwing it back as I grabbed my phone and answered it.
Jamal:"what the fuck are you doing?"
Phone call
Woody-"hey sweetie"
Ranaye-"hey dad you good uhh"
Jamal was gripping my ass pulling me back at a fast pace.
Woody-"yeah I just miss my princess,what you up to?"
I drop my phone on the bed,I was getting so much pleasure that I couldn't reply.
Ranaye:"uhh yes Baby"
Woody-"hellooooo Ranayeee!"
Jamal:"turn off the phone"
I struggle to get a hold of the phone while still throwing it back on Jamal's huge erected member.eventually I turn the phone off.
Phone call ends
Woody POV
That moaning am hearing better be coming from a damn tv.No child of mine is having sex at 17.she's got to wait till she's 40!how dare she cut the phone on me.
Woody:"Ryan come in here for a second"
Ryan came walking in
Ryan:"yes baby"
Woody:"I just had the strangest phone call conversations with your daughter"
Ryan:"oh she's just my daughter now...what she do?"
Woody:"i called to check on her and she was breathing heavily and shit as if she had just ran a marathon.Then I hear some dude tell her to turn the phone off and she does as he says"
Ryan starts laughing
Woody:"what the fuck you laughing at?"
Ryan:"ain't you the one who was so excited to see your baby girl all grown up and ready for college"
Woody:"yeah to get an education not to be all up on little boys"
Ryan:"well she does have a boyfriend so..."
Woody:"she's got a what?!"
Ryan rushes out the room
Woody:"man you childish get back here"I kiss my teeth as she leaves "you know what let me call her again "I say to myself
Ranaye POV
Jamal pulled out,cummed all over my stomach,then laid breathless next to phone began to ring again.
Phone call
Woody:"Ranaye why did you cut the phone on me?"
Ranaye:"am sorry dad it was a accident"
Woody:"and what was all that noise you was making"
Ranaye:"what noise?"
My dad kisses his teeth
Woody:"you know what I think you should come live back at home"
Ranaye:"but daddy"
Woody:"it's for the best naye.i'll drive you to College when ever you have lessons"
Ranaye:"dad that will never work college is to far from home"
Woods:"fine but when you coming to visit"
Ranaye:"soon probably this weekend
Woody:"alright good"

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