Twenty three

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Payton POV
Payton:"what the hell man are you trying to split them up"
Kayton:"no I just want everything to be out in the open so they can work things out properly"he says drying the plates
Pepi:"boys I already knew and technically we've already split up,we're not together anymore"
Kayton:"why you all smiley about this?"he says kinda confused
Pepi:"because it's for the best Kayton,it's the right thing to do"
Payton:"well if yall are happy am happy"
Keith:"thanks for understanding Payton"
Kayton:"what happened you two hardly ever argued before we went to college"
Pepi:"Kayton I don't see why your so worried anyway,it's not like we're gonna stop being your parents"
Kayton:"yeah but it's not the same"

The door bell rings,Payton goes to
answers it and Ranaye comes walking in with her suitcase
Payton:"you came early"
Ranaye:"really cause I could have came earlier but my dad wouldn't let go from our hug"

Ranaye walks over to Kayton
Ranaye:"hey Kayton"
Kayton:"yo"he says not giving eye contact then walking off a bit
Keith:"well I guess it's time for you guys to go back to college"
Pepi:"come over"my mom says putting her arms out for a hug "you to Ranaye"she joins the hug"Keith"my dad does to and our mom says a short prayer.

When we finish praying we all head outside and my dad helps us put our suitcases in the car.Ranaye sits in the car going through her phone waiting.

Pepi:"momma the boys are leaving"my mom yells causing my grandma to come outside and give me and Kayton a kiss on the cheek
Mrs.S:"oh my college boys have a safe journey and make sure to come back soon"
Payton:"of course grandma"
Dad daps me
Keith:"take care your basketball going good?"
Payton:"yeah yeah I get on well with all my teammates but dad am telling you the coach has a problem with me"
Keith:"your probably just reading him wrong Payton you wouldn't be on the team if he didn't like you"
I nod my head then I sit in the passenger seat.
he daps Kayton
Keith:"Kayton I know your really trying hard at school and am so proud of you man Keep it up.oh and how's your you know track and field going or whatever"
Kayton:"oh pretty good actually,tournament coming up soon so got a lot of training to do"
Keith:"that's Dope...make sure you two keep in touch yeah cause your mom be missing you"
Pepi:"you be missing them too stop acting like you don't"
Keith:"alright true but ain't nothing wrong with missing my boys"
Kayton sits in drivers seat.

I start the car and as we're driving of the family we're waving goodbye.

Keith POV
Keith:"well I guess it's time for me to leave I've gotta get myself something to eat"
Mrs.S:"oh please stay Keith,I've made some macaroni and cheese if you want some"
Keith:"sure"I say then we all go back in the house
Mrs.S:"so what's going on with you two then are you back together can Pepi go live back with you because as much as I love her here am leaving soon"
Keith:"oh really where you going"
Mrs.S:"back to Nigeria in a couple days"
Keith:"to like live there or just on holiday"
Mrs.S:"permanently"she says fixing me a plate
Keith:"oh wow okay,we should probably take the boys there one day just so they can see where there mom originates"
Mrs.S:"yeah definitely you would love it there"she says giving me my plate of food
Keith:"and I don't see why you can't move back in Pepi"I say as I start eating
Mrs.S:"is anyone gonna tell me what's going on?how did your talk go?"
Pepi:"me and Keith are not together anymore mom"
Mrs.S:"oh um okay"
Keith:"but Pepi me and you bought the house together so I think you should definitely move back in"
Pepi:"are you sure about that Keith"
Keith:"yeah i don't see why not"
She smiles at me a bit
Jamal POV
Me and my mom have been talking for ages and I've actually got to know her quite a bit.she's even told me how she met my dad in high school and how it ended because she felt He didn't have any ambitions to get a job and stop selling coke.

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