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Keith POV
Keith:"when did you get out?"
Danny:"ages ago and well prison is a fucking hell hole and who put me there you!..you know I suffered Keith I really suffered.cause everyone in there though I was a rapist"
Keith:"which you are,what the hell you playing at Danny just let go of my son"
Danny:"Pepi wanted it,she use to flirt with me all the time"
Keith:"I can't believe you've went to prison for all these years and still have that mind set.How are you even saying all this around my kids"
I walk closer to Danny in attempt to get Payton
Danny:"step the fuck back!"he yells while pointing his gun at me
I put my hands up in surrender
Keith:"Danny why are you doing this?"
Danny:"what kinda fucked up question is that?...you put me in prison Keith"
Because you deserved it i thought to myself but didn't say it cause I didn't want to get this guy even more mad than he already is.I need him to let go of Payton,who looks scared as hell.
Keith:"alright Danny you've got me here now you can let go of my son.you can shoot me if that's what you want but just let my boys go"
Danny:"no I want you to suffer Keith,I want you to live knowing I took you sons life away"
At this point Payton was crying his eyes out
Kayton:"please just leave us alone please"Kayton was also crying now
Danny:"you know what"he pushes Payton"you two can leave but you ain't getting none of your money"
Payton slowly walks over to me and Kayton shaking
Danny:"well get out then the both of you get out!"
Keith:"just leave guys please"
Payton looked up at me in disbelief that I was telling them to go
Kayton:"no dad we ain't going without you"
Danny:"oh for fuck sack just fuck off all of you!fuck off!!"Danny was literally screaming at the top of his lungs,this guy is insane
I pushed the boys quickly telling them to run,before his bipolar ass change his mind.i made sure they were in front of me as we were running
Keith:"go go quick go"
Then I heard a gun shoot,my heart was beating so much more faster I just rushed to my car pushing the boys in and drove of.
The boys Were so silent as I was driving.
Keith:"why the fuck were you to at this guy's house!huh why were you there?"
They didn't say a word
Keith:"what money was he talking about boys why were you there"
Payton:"we were selling coke"Payton says quietly
Kayton covers his face shaking his head as if his brother wasn't suppose to tell me.
Keith:"speak up Payton cause I think I just heard you say the dumbest shit I've ever heard come out your mouth boy why the hell were you selling coke man what the fuck!.....am just failing as a father aren't I! Aren't i boys!"
After I was done literally yelling at them for ages I finally got to there grandmas house.
Keith:"boys when you get home please do not tell your mother what has happened.I..I don't want her to be scared or anything alright cause she has nothing to be worried about you have nothing to be worried about okay"
They both nod there heads and get out the car.i watch them walk to the door and then Kayton turns around and starts walking to my car
Kayton:"dad me and Payton's car is parked outside that dudes house"
Keith:"oh you mean the one I got you two when you got in to college,yeah we're not going back for that since you think it's alright to be out here selling coke.get your ass into the house"
Kayton:"really dad?"
Keith:"yes really now go!"
He does as I say
Kayton:"we should have got a car each with the money you have"he says lowly as he walked off thinking I wouldn't hear
Keith:"what you say boy? Get your spoiled ass in the house"
When I see them both enter the house I drive off
Jamal POV
I was sort of taking my time to get to Ranaye's house thinking about everything that had just went down with my brother well dad I guess.

I eventually got to the house knocked on the door and Ranaye opened it,pulling me inside.
Ranaye:"what took you so long"
Jamal:"I don't know am sorry"
She grabbed my head and tried to put it down to her height,she was really short compared to me.
Ranaye:"baby have you been crying?"
Jamal:"no no of course not"I say lying ,I was crying most of my journey here "Let's go to your room"
Ranaye:"alright but just come say hi to my mom first she's in the kitchen"
She grabs my hand leading me to the kitchen
Ryan:"oh hey Jamal it's nice to see you how's you mother"
I didn't know what to say,I know she's referring to my grandma and not my mom now so it was sort of confusing
Jamal:"oh um well she's in the hospital right now cause she just had a heart attack..so she's not doing very well"
Ranaye:"oh my gosh Jamal you never told me this"
Jamal:"yeah well I was going to it just happened today"
Ryan:"yeah well I hope she gets better"
Jamal:"me too"
Then Ranaye grabs my hand again pulling me upstairs to her room

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