Thirty four

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Ryan POV
As soon as Pepi closed the door leaving,i straddled Keith sucking on his neck.

Keith:"what you tryin a do?"
I didn't reply I just removed My shirt then pressed my lips against his.our tongues fought for dominance and he won.

Keith POV
I removed her bra,revealing her perky tits.then held them both twirling my tongue around one of the nipples.cause her to moan lowly.i moved on to the other breast until her phone rang.
Ryan:"wait wait baby let me get this"
She picks it up from the couch and answers it while still sitting on my lap.

I let go of her breasts and started feeling on her ass as she spoke on the phone.

Phone call
Ranaye-"hey mom"
Ryan-"hey sweetheart how you doing?"
Ranaye-"good as always"
Ryan-"and what about your training?"
Ranaye-"yeah that's going good to"
Ryan-"that's great sweetheart"
Ranaye-"so um mom where are you staying at right now?"
Ranaye-"like where are you living?"
Ranaye-"mom your scaring,just tell me what's up"
She breathed in and out,I knew something was up so I put her down on the couch then got up and went to the kitchen,so she could speak with her daughter alone.

Ryan POV
Phone call
Ryan-"look sweetheart me and your dad we are just not meant to be together,we aren't together anymore.That doesn't mean much will change for you though Ranaye,it's not like we're going anywhere"

I could tell that Ranaye was crying at this point as her voice was cracking.

Ranaye-"so where are you staying at mom?"
Ryan-"am staying at Keith's house"
Ranaye-"as in the twins dad"
Ranaye-"mom how could you do this to dad?"
Ryan-"sweetheart making this discussion wasn't easy,your dad means so much to me in fact he gave me you and you mean the world to me"
Ranaye-"am just like you aren't I...selfish that's what we are,we don't think about how our actions will effect others"
Ryan-"sweetie don't say that"
Ranaye-"bye mom"
She cuts the phone

As soon as she cut the phone off I burst into tears.keith came rushing over to comfort me.he hugged me then kissed my forehead.
Keith:"it's gonna be fine baby"
Ryan:"she hates me"I managed to say while still crying
Keith:"of course she doesn't hate you Ry"
He said then kissed my forehead again
Keith:"it's gonna be fine"
Ranaye POV
I've always looked up to my parents relationship,hoping me and Jamal would be like them one day.But I guess they weren't as in love as I thought they were.

I called Jamal and he answered real quick as if he was waiting for my call.

Phone call
Ranaye-"baby I need you"
Jamal-"why what's up?"
Ranaye-"my parents they aren't together anymore"
Jamal-"what why"
Ranaye-I don't know why but my mom is dating Payton's dad"
Jamal-" if they get married or whatever you and the twins gone be like step siblings"
Ranaye-"well yeah but that's not the point j my family is broken"
Jamal-"Ranaye listen,your gonna be fine.theyll still be your parents wether there together or not"
Ranaye-"Jamal what's up with you and Jessica"
Jamal-"Jessica? What you on about"
Ranaye-"the bitch that use to flirt with you"
Jamal-"ion know man haven't seen her in years...why who ask you to ask me that"
He cuts the phone real quick
Jamal POV
Phone call
Jamal-"yo Payton put your brother on the phone"
Payton-"why? am at basketball practice right now I ain't with him"
Jamal-"cause he's been chatting shit,telling Ranaye to ask me about Jessica"
Payton-"why would he....oh..OH...that kids yours!"
Jamal-"no man what ever she told you two is a lie I swear"
Payton-"am sorry But you need to man up and take care of that kid"
Jamal-"Payton it ain't my kid,just text me Kayton's number or some in"

He does as I say and I call Kayton
Kayton-"who's this?"
Jamal-"It's Jamal"
Kayton-"why are you calling me?"
Jamal-"cause your telling my girl shit that ain't true"
Kayton-"I ain't told her anything,I just told her to ask you about Jessica"
Jamal-"why though?"
Kayton-"uh maybe because you have a fucking kid with her"
Jamal-"even if I do which I don't that ain't your business to tell"
Kayton POV
This guys talking to me all mad and shit when he don't even know what his girl be doing when he's not around.Am done with this bullshit cause I don't even care for Ranaye no more.
Kayton-"alright but there's something else you should know"
Kayton-"me and Ranaye last night know what"
Jamal-"ha yeah right"
Kayton-"ask her"
Jamal-"I will"
Jamal POV
Ranaye-"hey bab"-I cut her off
Jamal-"did you fuck Kayton?..and I want the actual truth Ranaye.Not some of the truth and not a whole lie just the full truth"

I could hear her crying which made me automatically know that she did do what Kayton said.

Jamal-"what the fuck Ranaye,how could you do this to me"
Ranaye-"I know am a terrible person just like my mother"
Jamal-"why though Ranaye?you know damn well that if you wanted to you know what I would come see you"
Ranaye-"it's just happened j and we didn't even fully do it,we stooped mid way"
Jamal-"it just happened? his dick just happened to enter your vagina?"
Ranaye-"am sorry j okay am sorry,what more can I say?"
Jamal-"nothing.were over..."
Ranaye-"no baby you don't mean that"
Jamal-"I do Ranaye..we're done"
Ranaye-"no no no Jamal,baby your all I have"
Phone call ends
Payton POV
When I was done with practice I spotted Hayley and the rest of the cheerleaders.i walked over to them.

Hayley saw me walking by and smiled.
Payton:"hey Hayley you good?"
Hayley nods her head yes
"Hey Payton"all the other girls say in harmony
Payton-"hey yall good?"
"Yeah"they replied
They continued walking and I noticed Hayley dropped her purse.So I picked it up slyly then put it in my pocket.

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