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Dear Reader,

We, as humans, advance technologically every day. We are so intelligent that we are now divided from our own instincts and even deny our own biological nature when it comes to philosophical and moral concepts. As society pushes and pushes towards an intellectual world full of thought and art and emotion, we are losing what we originally were, and how we came to be. In some ways, we lose ourselves in our society, overthinking minor things that won't matter in the future. The reality is we are animals, we are alive, and we belong to the Earth. We owe our planet, solar system, galaxy so much.

How lucky am I to be able write my story and share it to the world with just this strange device in my hand? How lucky are you to be able to read this sentence through your own device miles away without obstacles? These are things we take for granted. Not everyone has these privileges, and we lose ideas, artwork, and potential due to people not being able to express themselves in the means we can. Think of all the advancements we would have and the knowledge we would gain if all of humanity had these tools.

But the reality is, I'm not special. You aren't special. Most of us will die and only live on insignificantly in others' memories. We will decompose back into the earth and our atoms will become parts of new organisms. During our life time, everything that physically makes us up comes from nature. We are 2/3 water, and so is planet Earth! Every atom in your body has been through a cycle. Who is to say that throughout our life, before death, we aren't mentally made of nature?


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