"Hey!" Ohm greeted cheerily. He looked at Yuri and pouted. "You all started sharing the gifts already?"

"No. Only the most important one."

"Oh. The giftcard wallet and the catering thingie. Awesome. Oh well then you guys can open these when you get the chance. We almost bought this cute little bassinet but Dye said the major stuff is your job."

It always seemed to surprise everyone that Ohm got excited about babies but the band became aware through one of their projects that he was really great with kids. He didn't like to show it but babies did it for him. This was also one of the reasons why Noh would ask him to teach the nongs. He knew when to be stern, and he knew when to praise. 

Earn had also asked for Ohm to stand with Yuri's choice of Mo for the Godmother of her baby. Everyone was surprised that it was Mo but she had always been a fierce protector and out of all the friends, was the the one who kept in close contact with everyone. Whenever Yu had a problem, she relied on Mo the most and it only seemed fitting to do so now as well.

"Thanks so much." Yuri kept saying as they all hugged her. This baby shower was a personal event just with the members of Elevation. Mo wasn't sure she could make it but she and Gulf were the only other invited guests.

Another shower would happen later with Yuri's girlfriends and she didn't want them to go crazy or be distracted by the band or cause a scene. They were thirsty girls.

"So what's the plan now? I'm surprised you didn't decide to go away to University after this Phun?"

"It did take some convincing. If I had decided to go the doctor route, I would have been gone already. It's bad enough I only did a minor in English, since my dad felt I should major in it and minor in Pol but I have my reasons."

"Phun doesn't want to be restricted just yet and being a translator gives him certain freedoms. He can also do freelance work and online schooling. I just know that if he is free, we can see each other and he can travel with me."

"On the flip side, Noh is worried that I'm sacrificing too much because of him and that I need to think this over. I already discussed this with my family. I will be going to study but not now. I want to do it in about 2 or three years. I think it's in my benefit to get the work experience first."

"How come?"

"Well I honestly think why most politicians take advantage of the regular citizens is that they spend very little time being a regular citizen. Most politicians are from rich families or at least from the upper class. They go to the best schools or to the international schools. They constantly mingle within their sphere. Then they immediately leave and go away to foreign schools and think they are being cool and independent when their moms fly out every month to wash their damn cloths like my aunt did with my cousin."

Everyone choked. "My dad always said that if you want the support of the average citizen, then be an average citizen. I want to try to connect with that thinking in my own way."

"So if you fuck up and overspend, no calling daddy."

"Nope. Besides I have sugar daddy now." Phun smirked at Noh who smacked him over the head immediately. Everyone cracked up and teased the two of them. 

"So whose this band you guys are opening for this summer before your album drops?" Earn brought that up over dinner.

"It's a kpop group. They just had their first debut last year. The band actually has a Japanese member but the rest are Korean. They are looking for a popular Thai act to intro for them." 

"Ummm. That's a good deal. That's how we picked up a bit of a fan base. Quite a few of them followed Got7 here and we opened for them on their Thai tour."

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