Chapter 4

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Arius kept staring at his mate who was snuggled into his fur, sleeping soundly. He found it hard to believe
that after centuries, he finally found his mate.

It was early hours of morning,  the wind was rustling the leaves, followed by a loud thunder and that was when Arius heard from Valdus

"Why are you trying to resist the shift? "

"But, what's wrong with me being here? "

"You have spent the entire night with her. You know, she's my mate too. And, what if you scare her again? "

Arius snapped the link and reluctantly gave the control back to Valdus.

Valdus couldn't help but bring his mate's frame closer to his naked self. He wanted to feel the peace and calmness that came with his mate. He could bring the entire world to her feet if she asked for it.

He decided to wear his clothes. He did not want to make her feel uncomfortable in any manner. He had left his clothes in a different part of the forest yesterday and had no time to get those back. He had to get them but he could not leave her alone. Nobody knows what sort of dangers were lurking in the jungle. So, he picked her up, brought her closer to provide her warmth and started running. While running, he felt movement beneath him.

Mabel could feel her bed shaking. An earthquake, she realised with panic. Opening her eyes, she realised that she was being carried by a stranger. The memories of last night came crashing back to her. She started squirming in the arms of the person. Maybe she was getting kidnapped. Tears built up in her eyes. She struggled and saw the person finally acknowledge her.

"You okay there, little one? " Valdus asked in concern. Was she hurting? Arius also let out a whine looking at his teary eyed mate.

"W-Who are you a-and w-where are you t-taking me?" Mabel stuttered. The stranger put her down and that was when she realised that he was naked. She quickly closed her eyes. She could still feel heat pooling in her cheeks.

"I'll be behind the tree to change. Stay here, ok! " With that, he went behind the tree. He could not help but chuckle at how cute she looked when her cheeks became cherry red.
"How innocent! " Arius purred.

Meanwhile, sensing that he was indeed gone, Mabel starting running from the kidnapper. She felt a drop of water on her cheek, followed by a heavy downpour

She wanted to go back to her family. First, she got lost, then she was chased by a huge wolf and now she was getting kidnapped. Her life went from boring to an adventure novel in a matter of few hours. She often felt suffocated when her family would go overprotective over her. But, now she wanted those arms to embrace her. She now preferred the suffocation over a super adventurous ride.

While running, she felt leaves crunch behind her. Maybe the kidnapper had caught her. Looking behind, instead of the kidnapper, she found two brown wolves. Though they were smaller than the black wolf she had met last night, they still looked scary with their dirty fur and red eyes.

The wolves came closer to her, creeping her out with their greedy and hungry stare. Before she could start running, one of the wolves bit down hard on the milky white skin of her arm, causing blood to pour out of the puncture created. The other wolf scratched her throat with his paw. She let out a painful cry. It felt like this was the end of her life. She quickly prayed to God to keep her family safe and happy in her absence.

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 It keeps me going  :)

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