Mr Kingston's Roommate|52

Start from the beginning

We thought that would have been the case since your frontal lobe suffered the most but you're speaking clearly so that's a good sign. However, that doesn't cancel out everything else. This could change your personality, social skills, emotions, judgement, we cannot push everything aside just because you're still able to talk.

You will need to take rehabilitation sessions, you will need to see a Neuropsychologist, a physiatrist and an occupational therapist to test you. This will be a long process miss Hart, but so far the signs are good so I wouldn't worry too much if I were you."

I held it in for as long as I could, all through last night the moment I saw Blake's face. But hearing this, hearing that this injury could possibly change me as a person forced the tears out of my eyes. I thought I was strong, but as a sob racked through my body, I realized I no longer was.

What did I do to deserve this?

Did I not love my brother and mother enough? Should I have fought for my father's love longer than I did? Should I have gone with my mom on that plane and prevented her from dying? Should I have stayed with Reece and patch up our problems? Should I have never been with Blake knowing that his job was at risk?

Was this karma, for everything I have ever done in my life?

Another sob racked through my body like a bulldozer to concrete. I could feel every cut from the broken glass lining up my skin. Every burn that made its mark on my body permanently, every breaking bone beneath my flesh. I could feel it. I could hear it. My voice, crying out to Blake, hoping that he would be okay. Not even caring about my state as I saved him.

"I don't mean to dampen your mood anymore, Leila but you may also need to see a psychiatrist after this, you might also be suffering from-"

"Post-traumatic stress disorder?" I muttered under my breath. Every time I closed my eyes I could see his face laying beside mine, on the verge of dying. I knew he was alive, he was here a few hours ago but that doesn't stop the fear of losing him again from rendering me motionless. "We're not diagnosing you with anything, Leila. We just need to know your state of mind, your friend Blake agreed that when you woke up he'd see to that."

At the mention of his name I froze. I was so consumed in the status of my health, I failed to ask about Blake's. Although I've seen him already, that was only his face. I needed to know if he was okay, physically and mentally. "Blake, h-how is he? Is he okay, what happened to him that day?"

Doctor Bennett peered up from his clipboard and smiled softly, "well Blake had surgery for the shard of glass which you pulled out from his chest. That action alone could have been very fatal, and you both were lucky to have been found minutes after the car blew up or else you both would have been dead.

But, I must commend you on making that difficult decision. Whether you pulled it out or not, he still would have had a 50 percent chance of dying or living. Other than that he suffered from a minor concussion, first-degree burns from the fire, a few fractured bones, nothing majorly broken which seems like a miracle to me.

Other than the fact that you concealed him from being burnt by climbing on top of him, you got hurt way more than he did despite the truck impacting his side. I think it also has to do with the fact that the car landed on your side but that still doesn't explain why Blake came out with barely a scratch compared to you.

Anyways, he is fine. Over the past few months, he's recovered quite well. He's been by your bedside every day for the past three months, after he got discharged his friends had to beg him to even leave your side for a second and now he's not even here, weird." He then chuckled softly and peered into my eyes, his gaze was hard, almost like a weight crushing down onto my chest.

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