Chapter 42: Once upon a Dragon Lord attack in the Kyrie Kingdom part 7

Start from the beginning

A Dragon Lord.

"[Enhance Shield Skills], [Enhance Defense], [Enhance Resistance: Ice]."

Its attack froze the surroundings as it went on its way.

"[Triple Effect: Body], [Triple Effect: Resistance], [Shielder's Will], [Mystic Knight's Trance]."

It was an attack that I knew it would cause great damage, regardless if it failed to hit its target directly.

"[Mystic Fortress]"

Thus, I needed to intercept it and in doing so, I would not only save those who were escaping from it but also stop the damage from spreading past me.

"Moonlight, I beseech you! Cover me, shield me, grant me your radiance, [Moonlight Veil]!"

For that I would use every skill and spell I had available, even those that would put a burden on my body, for there were not enough precautions to take against such a being.

"Mighty earth I beseech you! Grant me your protection, let your strength flow through me, [Earth's Bulwark]!"

With that, I prepared to jump from my horse and past the escaping knights.

"Moonlight and Earth, I beseech you! Dwell within this shield and let me become the border from which no attack shall pass...."

Thus, I jumped with my Moon Tear Shield in hand, which shined as my spell took effect and landed just in time.

"...[Astral Barrier]!"

As I held my shield up, my barrier deployed with a shine only equal to that of the moon in the sky.

Its size was similar to that of a section of the capital's walls.

And the ice blast crashed with it.


I could feel myself being pushed back almost immediately by it, even if the barrier seemed to be dispersing the blast.

I glanced at my back and the knights were gone, they kept running without looking back or offering assistance.

'I see, they plan to leave me here as a decoy to secure their escape.'

That is what I thought then...

Such despicable acts were unbecoming for a knight but...even then, it was my duty to stop that attack, lest see that battlefield be turned into an icy tomb for everyone.

And most important of all, I needed to get as much time as possible for all of us.


Still, the ice blast soon became more, and they kept coming, to the point that I could feel that my barrier was losing strength.

Moreover, my surroundings became colder with every second, to the point that it did not take long for me to see my breath.

Then, as my barrier got even smaller, the grass beneath me started to freeze.

I could not let that go on.


So, I put all I had in my legs as I started to push back the attack, even if barely.

"Moonlight and Earth! Hnnngah! I beseech you! Nnnngh...! Grant me the strength to reflect that which assails me, [Astral Reflection]!"

Then, I used what was left of my barrier, making it shine brighter than before as it released a pulse of moonlight that reflected all those ice blasts back to where they came from.

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