"Look, I agreed to stop and pick him up if there was time, but only if there was time." His tone was hard and he left no room for argument.

Kai glanced out of the corner of her eye at The Major. Honestly, the only time she had ever seen him allow any emotions other than humor rule him was when they faced Kolya. Teyla's accusations however bothered him for some reason.

Kai wasn't surprised. Teyla wasn't a soldier. She was a warrior leader for her people, and while she was one of the most capable fighters Kai had seen, Teyla's experiences with having to make the tough calls was limited. In so many ways Teyla was incredibly innocent. She didn't begrudge her friend that.

"I'd like to be saving everyone in the damn galaxy if we could," Sheppard muttered in frustration.

Teyla however wouldn't relent. Kai she could forgive, she was a Mortii, but she expected more from the Major. "One man and his children are not every person."

"I agreed to help if there's time. You can only fight the battles you can win," he snapped defensively.

A long silence stretched between them as John settled the jumper into orbit. "How we doing Zian?" he asked glancing towards her.

Kai rotated her chair and began typing rapidly on her laptop she had plugged directly into the ships sensors. "Detecting a hyperspace window...We are ready." She said, hitting the last key.

Directly in front of them a huge hyperspace window opened. Kai felt her eyes widen, it was the largest she had ever seen, but she didn't hesitate to activate the sensors.

"Whoa," Sheppard muttered. He leaned forward as the first hive jumped into view, followed not only by the other two, but an entire entourage of cruisers and darts. He let out a low whistle. This was so much worse than they thought. One dart had caused havoc in the city and destroyed one of their jumpers. It wouldn't take more than a single one of the nine cruisers he could see to overpower them.

John glanced out of the corner of his eye and caught Kai's gaze. Her face was grim. She understood what this meant. She held his eye until her computer beeped and she swiveled her chair away.

"Receiving data," Kai reported. Their goal was to get as much information from the scanners as possible in the least amount of time to minimize the chance of being detected. Once the scans were complete they could go.

"Done," she reported as the ships glided silently past them.

"Let's get this thing turned around," Sheppard said turning his attention back to the controls.

As soon as they turned they saw hundreds of Darts break off from the armada.

"They are headed towards the planet," Teyla said desperately as she leaned forward in her seat. She gripped the back of Kai's seat so tightly her knuckles turned white.

"We need to get back to the Stargate." Kai said. "We have our information."

"Kai," Teyla admonished. "We could-"

"Take on an alien armada?" John interrupted harshly. Teyla didn't respond. John pushed the Jumper to its max speed, headed straight for the Stargate. They broke atmosphere, and approached the village coming in just above the treeline. The sensors on the HUD were beeping wildly, warning them of the approaching ships coming in behind them.

"I'm sorry Teyla," John said grimly. "Even flying full out we're only just ahead of the armada. I can't risk putting down for Orin or his family."

"I see," Teyla growled tightly from behind them. She hadn't believed John would stop even if they had time. It angered her that he would even bother pretending.

Trust Once Broken | SGA John Sheppardजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें