"Please my lord make her be my new toy. I want a new toy." Bellatrix whined to him the dark lord sighed and spoke to her.

"No Bella she's Severus's charge now come along now." The dark lord said to her Bellatrix pouted and apparated with the dark lord and his pet Nagnini. Once out of sight Natasha shuddered and spoke to herself.

"Ugh what a creepy woman." She said to herself suddenly Severus cleared his throat making Natasha jump Natasha turned and saw him.

"Oh Uncle Severus." She said to him startled Severus spoke to her.

"Hello my dear. What brings you by Malfoy manor today?" Severus asked her Natasha answered him.

"Oh a letter came for you. I brought it here with me cause I figured it was something important for the school." She told him handing him the important letter. Severus took it from her suddenly Lucius Malfoy and a lady she's never seen before came into view. The woman next to Lucius was beautiful Natasha couldn't deny that fact. She had black hair with blonde streaks in it and it was down. She had a swan like neck and small features. She wore a black dress to complete her look Natasha spoke. "Good evening lord Malfoy how are you this evening?" Natasha asked him Lucius answered her.

"Well good evening young lady. I'm doing ok thanks for asking it's just the meeting with the dark lord tires me out. Let me introduce you to my lovely wife. Natasha this is my lovely and beautiful wife Narcissa. Narcissa this is Natasha D'Ostroph she's Severus's niece." Lucius said making the introductions Natasha smiled at her Narcissa came up and spoke to her.

"Hello Natasha it's such a pleasure to meet you. Oh my goodness you resemble Severus so well." Narcissa told her Natasha smiled at that and spoke to her.

"Thank you Mrs.Malfoy. You're Draco's mother aren't you? I see where he gets his stunning beauty." Natasha said to her politely Narcissa smiled and spoke to her.

"Yes I'm Draco's mother. Thank you so much for the compliment my dear." Narcissa said to her Natasha spoke to her.

"You're welcome Mrs.Malfoy. Your homes lovely so shiny and glossy on the inside and beautiful on the outside. Is Draco home?" Natasha asked her Narcissa spoke to her.

"Thank you dear. The house has been in Lucius's family since it was created many centuries ago. Draco is home he's in the kitchen grabbing himself a snack. You can wait in the dining room for him if you like." Narcissa said to her Severus cleared his throat and spoke to the group.

"Lucius Narcissa I must speak with you both privately for a few moments. Regarding the letter my niece just brought to me." Severus said to them Lucius spoke.

"Of course Severus. We can talk in our library." Lucius said to him Severus nodded and Narcissa spoke to Natasha.

"Natasha if you wish to talk to Draco you can wait for him in our dining room if you like. We'll be right back down soon." Narcissa said to her Natasha nodded and spoke to her.

"Thank you Mrs.Malfoy." Natasha said to her Narcissa nodded and headed upstairs with Lucius and Severus. Natasha walked into the dining room she sat on the left hand side facing away from the kitchen in case Draco came out. She got her picture of Draco out of her pocket. She ran her finger gently over his face in the picture Draco came out of the kitchen eating his final green apple slice. He saw Natasha sitting in the chair he sat in just moments ago. He heard her speak aloud thinking she's by herself.

"Oh Draco my poor darling why can't you be nice like you are in my fantasies? Nice sweet charming and romantic? Why do you in reality have to be so hateful?" She asked his picture Draco had a thought.

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