Sleeping Beauty Part 1

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Draco's POV

Well damn Natasha has been in the hospital wing for about a week now. Damn Longbottom couldn't keep an eye on what he was doing making that potion. I've been sitting with Natasha missing my classes. We've been best friends since we were little. We grew up together. She was my best friend who really knew me inside and out. Since the accident I've been by her side I want to be the first person she sees when she wakes up. Her Gryffindor friends have made appearances by bringing her things like chocolate frogs and Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans sour apple bites licorice wands pretzel wands lollipops get well cards. Me I just stayed with her and read her favorite fairytales her mother bought for her. Her mother died after she gave birth to Natasha so my mother was the only mother she's ever known Natasha's mother bought the muggle fairytales when she was pregnant with Natasha after Natasha's mother died after giving birth Snape continued to buy them for her.

When her Gryffindor friends would turn up I disillusioned myself they don't know about our past and us growing up together and Natasha and I liked it that way. Professor Snape Natasha's father brought me my homework when the school day was finished he has Blaise writing good diligent notes for me for all of my classes. Natasha and I stayed with Snape in his private quarters we liked our privacy and our alone time even if we are just studying. Natasha never got along with Weaslebee which is great cause I never got along with him either. Natasha is my best and only friend that's been with me through thick and thin. I stayed the night with her thanks to my father my mother and professor Snape for telling Madame Pomfry about my connection to her.

I wrote the flower shop in Hogsmeade this morning asking for 3 dozen dragon snaps. They are Natasha's favorite flowers. I was sitting here reading her favorite story Beauty and the Beast. I read it to her twice a day once in the morning and once more before I go to sleep. I heard footsteps coming probably Madame Pomfry coming to check in on Natasha again I just stayed put in my seat next to my special girl and continued reading her favorite story I just turned the page when I heard this singsong voice speak to me.

"Hello Draco staying with Natasha till she wakes up are you?" This sweet voice asked I knew that voice it was Loony Lovegood I spoke to her.

"Don't. Tell. Anyone. You. Saw. Me. With. Her!" I rasped spacing my words out at her she put a get well card on the table by Natasha's hospital bed and spoke to me again.

"I'd never tell Draco. I know how much you care about her. I'm just perceptive. Natasha's been my friend since second year. She never had the heart to make fun of me for believing in creatures that may or may not exist like most people have. I know she cares about you too. She didn't come out and tell me I can just tell when she mentions your name. Her eyes light up like a child does when it's Christmas morning and there's presents to be opened." Lovegood told me I looked at her with my cold grey eyes and spoke to her.

"What are you going on about Lovegood?" I told her in a snappy toned voice Lovegood sighed and answered me.

"She loves you Draco. Like I said I'm perceptive when it comes to things like that. I can tell in her voice when your name comes up in our private conversations her voice changes and she has a dreamy look in her eyes and stares off into space. When she thinks about you or talks about you Draco she has a smile on her face you make her happy. I never tell anyone what she shares about you with me and I never will. But you know you should tell her how you feel about her you'll be glad you did cause it may turn into a wonderful long lasting relationship." Lovegood told me I had anger in my eyes damn she's too perceptive I spoke to her.

"I care about her a lot. She's my special girl she's the only one other than my parents who knows me inside and out. She stood by me through everything even when I first became a death eater. Granted the wars over now and I'm no longer a death eater anymore I still care about her. When we were little and she would get sick I would stay with her and draw her pretty pictures and get well cards to make her feel better. We'd talk about our favorite memories but that was before we learned how to read. When she was sick after we learned how to read I read her her favorite fairytales to make her feel better sometimes I stayed and cuddled with her when she was sick she didn't like to be alone even while she slept if I had to leave I always left her something of mine like my house ring or when I was little a stuffed animal she got me for my birthday to let her know I was there but I'd return to her soon. She has my heart and my soul." I told Lovegood she looked at me with glossy eyes and spoke to me.

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