5th Year Dragon's Bride Part 1

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Draco's POV
I thought this year was supposed to be great. When I'm around my friends and fellow Slytherins I'm happy but when I pick and tease my dark haired angel I feel bad inside. Natasha D'Ostroph is my dark haired angel. She's the daughter of Severus Snape. Father told me in my first year with Snape's permission. Snape hid her from the dark lord so she wouldn't have his mark plus her mind is still somewhat childlike and the dark lord has no room in his ranks for someone with a childlike mind.

Natasha excited me in ways I can't explain when I first met her my heart beat fast it would beat so fast when I'm near her I'd feel like it would beat right out of my chest and explode. Now this year she arouses me sexually. She's somewhat of a loner only friends she has is Potter Weasley and Granger. Natasha lives with Snape here in the dungeons she liked her privacy and didn't like the distractions of the common room. Can't blame her for that really.

Umbitch branded my dark haired angel last week with her evil quill. My mind was in a rage I saw red I wanted nothing more than to avenge for what happened to my dark haired angel. Umbridge was a real bitch towards muggle borns she believes that muggle borns stole magic from another family which is completely ridiculous. She hated muggles and muggle borns. Her mother was a muggle and married a pure blood wizard making her a half blood. Yeah I did my research on the pink bitch. Her mother never showed any kindness towards her for showing signs of magic her own mother basically treated her like dirt so Umbridge despised muggles and muggle borns which was rather pathetic if you ask me.

The great hall was buzzing students eating and enjoying themselves and chattering about lord knows what. My dark haired angel is chatting with Granger probably about the lack of Defense Against the Dark Arts teachings and not learning their O.W.L.S. or talking about books. I stared at her while I ate my tasty green apple trying to block out the noise of the great hall and ignoring my fellow classmates. I saw Natasha scrunch up her face and take off from Gryffindor table probably pissed off at the Weaslebee. I got up from my table and followed her immediately. I disillusioned myself cause I don't want her to see me. Not yet.

She headed towards the dungeons where she resided with Snape I watched her closely she's gathering up a silky black bathrobe a hair clip some bubble bath and candles. I knitted my eyebrows together wondering what she's up too. She left Snape's chambers and headed off in the hallway. I followed close behind I love the fact she's a prefect this year she had good grades and studied hard. She deserved to be a prefect. I wondered where it was my dark haired angel was taking me finally I recognized the familiar door she opened it and went inside I walked in right behind her and she has no idea I'm with her. She closed the door and locked it if the door is locked it's occupied.

I realized where we are this is the girls prefects bathroom. Natasha undressed and my snake twitched in my pants watching her undress for me. My dark haired angel had a beautiful body. She's been self conscious about herself being chubby. My dark haired angel also has such a nice rack. Goddamn they are big and beautiful! She has nice long skinny sexy legs and beautiful blue green eyes a round face with apple like cheeks. I stood there watching and smirking while she continued to undress. She folded her robes neatly and placed them on the sink. She plugged the tub and turned on the water she adjusted the temperature of the water and put in her bubble bath.

As she waited for the bathtub to fill she got out her candles and lit them up the hair between her legs is nicely trimmed and it's making me ache like crazy. Gods I want her and want her badly. I saw her put her hair up in a hair clip she turned off the water and got in the tub. She sat down and began her relaxation. I sprinted towards the girls locker room I undressed myself. I decided to take action I'm gonna get my angel. After I undressed I folded up my clothes I went out towards the bathtub where I left my angel. I laid my clothes on the marble sink she moaned a soft demure moan and spoke.

Natasha and Draco One shots Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant