Sleeping Beauty part 3

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Natasha's POV

It had been three weeks since I was discharged from the hospital wing. The day I woke up I spent it drawing and spending time with dragon. The other two days I spent working on my written homework dragon read to me and during breaks he drew me pretty pictures. The fourth day I was released from the hospital daddy kept me out of classes for another two days just to be on the safe side. While daddy was teaching I made some potions that I've missed I labeled the cauldrons to the potion I was making and duplicated my potions book a couple of times so I had the recipes for the for the potions.

While I completed the potions and let them sit so they are the color they are supposed to be I practiced on my transfiguration spells for professor McGonagall. After lunch I worked on my charms that I've missed the written work was done but the spells had to be practiced. Daddy talked to my cooking professor to have me cook the recipes I missed for the month on the weekend. Friday I had to show McGonagall my transfiguration spells and Monday it was professor Flickwick's turn for charms. I did go out into the great hall for meals and of course so I can show my face. Once my cooking transfiguration charms and potions were caught up on written and making them I rejoined my classes. I wrote to mom and Uncle Lucy everyday since I got out of the hospital.

It was a Saturday and I was meeting dragon out by the Black Lake. School was gonna be out in two more months I know I'll be happy to be back home at Malfoy manor. Today was a nice warm sunshiny day today. As I made my way towards the lake I noticed dragon had an unusual smile across his face the past two weeks like he's been up to something. Even my daddy acted like something was up but I'm meeting dragon so I guess I'll know what's going on as soon as I see my dragon. I love dragon so I can never stay mad at him too long three days tops is the longest I'll ever get mad at him. During the first day out of the hospital I ate in the great hall with my Gryffindor friends. Weasel told me that Draco told him we grew up together I confirmed Draco's story. Weasel got mad at me and took off he was angry cause I was friends with his enemy and a death eater during the war.

Weasel forgot that my daddy was a spy for Dumbledore in both wars so my daddy has the death eater mark on his arm to prove his loyalty to the dark lord. I'd never give up my friendship with Draco for nothing I care and love my dragon far too much and our memories are too valuable and too precious to destroy over something so petty and worthless. I continued to walk to the lake I noticed the sun was beginning to set. I loved sunsets and watching them with Draco cause after the sunset the sky would be black and the stars would come out and twinkle in the night sky. We'd look for our favorite constellations in the sky sometimes we would see a shooting star and make a wish. We never tell each other what we wished for cause if we told the wish won't come true.

A lot of my wishes have come true I danced with Draco at the Yule ball when I was dressed in my green dress with my dragon jewelry. I had my first kiss with him at thirteen years old which was our third year of Hogwarts it was under the mistletoe. I got to continue my summers with him after school was done with for the summer I stayed his friend once he became a death eater he didn't want to be one but he had no choice. When Draco and I first came to Hogwarts we stayed with my daddy cause Draco and I had nightmares from time to time and he makes mine go away and I make his go away. Daddy had to create another room for Draco we decorated our rooms to however we wanted daddy kept his library of course cause he loved reading during his spare time away from grading teaching and patrolling. I got to black lake and found dragon.

I gasped at the sight that was for me.

Dragon snaps were everywhere and they were in the colors of white and pink there was at least thirteen jars with flames levitated in the air. They were traditional flames orange yellow and red. Usually when Draco and I had to conjure flames they were always blue and green. Dragon was in his fancy silk black suit he only wore on special occasions his eyes lit up at my reaction to the scene before me he had a smile on his face. I'm the only one who's ever seen Draco's true smiles and his tears when he would cry. Draco had one white dragon snap and one pink one in his jacket pocket he urged me to come over with his finger. I walked over to him he held out his hand and I took it he pulled me close and gazed into my blue green eyes and spoke to me.

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