What? Part 2

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The next morning Natasha was still sleeping. Draco just held her. He was thinking that yesterday was all just a bad dream and he's still in a dream. He knows that when she wakes up she's gonna be mad he's with her and chase him out of her room and curse him for taking advantage of her. He shuddered at the thought and continued holding her. He's hoping it wouldn't come to that. Last night was wonderful though for him. He star gazed with her that was something he's never done before he enjoyed himself.

The skylight made the room nice and bright and welcoming. He saw the burgundies and golds. The Victorian look was a beautiful look. He loved how her beautiful brown hair was on the gold pillow he loved how she looked she looked just like a sleeping beauty. That made him smile a genuine smile on his face. He saw her stir and heard her moan in her sleep. She murmured something.

"Mm Draco my dragon make love to me darling." She murmured in her sleep Draco was shocked he thought she said no sex until she was married he heard her moan softly he heard her speak in her sleep again. "Mmm Draco my love I love you so much dragon. I promise to never leave you again dragon. If I go anywhere I want you right there with me my darling." She said in her sleep. Draco smiled and realized last night was very much real. He held onto his witch in a protective way. He kissed her with soft kisses all over her round face.

He knows her minds kinda child like and that was fine with him. He just deduced it was just because of what happened to her mind that made it like that. He'd take it real super slow with her cause of how her mind is. He loved her innocence when they were at school. He had hoped there was a way for her old self to come back. Back to the way she once was stubborn always standing up for herself but still innocent with her childlike wonder and her sassy attitude. He wondered if there was a way and that no one just never tried. Soon Draco heard her moan sleepily and watched her eyes flutter open. They still had a little sleep crust in the corners her vision a bit blurry she saw Draco and smiled at him and spoke to him.

"Good morning Draco. How'd my Draco sleep?" She asked him Draco smiled and answered her.

"Better than I have ever slept in a long time darling. I had a decent nights sleep last night. How'd you sleep?" Draco asked her Natasha yawned and answered him.

"I slept pretty good. I had a really good dream." Natasha told him moaning and stretching her arms and legs Draco spoke to her.

"You always stretch your arms and legs while still lying in bed?" Draco asked her Natasha answered him.

"Yeah. I did that even before I lost my memory. It was the first thing I remembered doing when I couldn't remember anything. I freaked out when I did a spell the first time daddy chuckled and told me I was a witch and he was a wizard. I had to relearn everything charms transfiguration dueling potion making herbology until I got my memory back. The first person I ever saw gaining my memories back was you. I described you to daddy and he told me you were a wealthy wizard who hated people like me and I was in shock I could like someone like that. But daddy told me that the reasons you appeared in my dreams and fantasies is because before I lost my memory I fancied you cause you were so different from other pure blood wizards of your class. He told me to reread my own diary to understand why and to learn more things about myself he even told me where I kept it so I could find it and read it." Natasha told him Draco was stunned hearing this and spoke to her.

"Well I fell in love with you cause of your sassiness. You stood up for yourself when I teased and taunted you about your blood status. Then later on I noticed you got sassy and I realized that's my witch no matter her blood status. You were a diamond in the rough. Rough around the edges but beautiful but in your own way. Then I disillusioned myself and saw your beautiful blue green eyes sparkle with wonder and excitement when you got something special." Draco told her Natasha smiled at him and spoke to him.

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