Saved By A Peacock

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Natasha was in Diagon Alley shopping. It was a beautiful day to be outside. The weather was a perfect 65 degrees outside. The air was crisp and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. The war had been over for several months she graduated Hogwarts with good marks in her repeat year. She received an award for special services to the school for helping repair it once the war was over. She also received a metal for the Order of Merlin First Class for fighting off death eaters. Fawkes saved her daddy after Voldemort sliced him up and had Nagnini bite him.

Natasha had just left Flourish and Botts bookshop. She bought some books on astronomy she loved reading about space stars constellations and planets in the solar system. She was glad Draco and his family were pardoned after they switched sides before the final battle of Hogwarts took place. As she turned around a corner she bumped into someone and spoke to them.

"Oh dear I'm so sorry. I'm so clumsy. Are you alright?" Natasha asked whoever she bumped into the man answered her.

"There there my dear no harms done. It was just an accident." A voice told her Natasha knew that voice all too well she spoke to him.

"Lord Malfoy I apologize for bumping into you. I got distracted." She told him nervously Lucius sighed heavily and spoke to her.

"Dear child please call me Lucius. Like I told you before there was no harm done and it was an accident. How's Severus fairing since the war?" Lucius asked her Natasha answered him.

"He's still somewhat recuperating since Nagnini bit him. He's been taking his potions to get the snakes venom out of his system. Which he has to take for a year to make sure the venoms all out of his system and to never return. He was exonerated for his part in the war since the jury realized he was a spy for Dumbledore and all charges against him got dropped thank heavens." Natasha told him Lucius nodded and spoke to her.

"Well that's good to hear young lady. You have grown up so well. You're not spoiled like these witches of pure blood status are who are always given the best of everything simply because they are wealthy. Severus raised you right." Lucius told her complimenting her Natasha was pensive and spoke to him.

"Um thank you sir. That's very kind and gracious of you to say." Natasha told him Lucius nodded at her a new voice called out.

"Malfoy!" A new voice called out Lucius cringed and spoke.

"Sard that man doesn't leave me alone!" Lucius said Natasha got out her wand in case she needed to defend herself the voice called out again she panicked and turned Lucius into a peacock. She got his cloak wand and walking stick and shrank them down and put them in her leather purse she got from Angelina at Christmas. Lucius projected his thoughts into Natasha's mind.

Bloody hell why am I a bloody peacock? He projected into Natasha's mind suddenly a man showed up me looked like he'd been skulking around Knockturn Alley forever the man spoke to her.

"You witch! Have you seen a wizard with long platinum blonde hair? He goes by the name Malfoy." The man hissed at her Natasha was shaking and answered him.

"No sir just a nice witch here with her pretty peacock." She told him she bent down and picked up the white peacock and spoke again. "I must run now and tend to my peacock." Natasha told him and left the man disgruntled she carried the peacock which was in fact Lucius Malfoy she ran into Ron Weasley and he spoke to her.

"Hello Natasha. What up with the white peacock?" Ron asked her Natasha sighed and spoke to him.

"Hello Ron sorry don't mean to be rude but I have to go." Natasha told him Ron caught up with her since he knew Natasha was apparating home and spoke to her.

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